Change your Journal settings on iPhone
You can customize the settings for the Journal app . Personalize the journaling suggestions you receive, lock your journal, set a schedule for journaling, and more.
Customize the journaling suggestions
Do any of the following:
Customize the privacy settings: Go to Settings
> Privacy & Security > Journaling Suggestions, then turn on or off any of the categories.
Suggestions use data from apps and services you turn on; data used for suggestions is private and stored on your iPhone. For more information, see the Journaling Suggestions & Privacy website.
Change the notification settings: Go to Settings > Notifications > Journaling Suggestions.
Create new entries without viewing suggestions: Go to Settings > Apps > Journal, then turn on Skip Journaling Suggestions.
Add a title and date to new journal entries
Do any of the following:
Add a title to new entries: Go to Settings
> Apps > Journal, tap Add Entry Title, then choose Always, Only for Moments, or Never.
Use the date from the moment as the entry date: Go to Settings > Apps > Journal, then turn on Always Use Moment Date.
See an insights summary at the top of your journal
To see a summary of insights such as your current writing streak, words written, and days journaled at the top of your journal, go to Settings > Apps > Journal, then turn on Show Insights Summary.
Lock your journal
You can keep your journal private so only you can access it with with Face ID, Touch ID, or your passcode.

To lock your journal, use any of the following methods:
From the Home Screen or App Library: See Lock or hide an app.
In the Journal app: Tap
, then tap Lock Journal.
In Settings: Go to Settings
> Apps > Journal, then tap Lock Journal.
Save photos and videos taken in Journal to the Photos app
Go to Settings
> Apps > Journal.
Turn on Save to Photos.
Turn Journal notifications on or off
Go to Settings > Notifications > Journal.
Store your journal entries in iCloud
Go to Settings
> [your name] > iCloud.
Tap See All, then turn on Journal.
To back up without using iCloud, see the Apple Support article About encrypted backups on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.