Mac Studio (2023) Bottom Cover
Before You Begin
Adjustable torque driver (1.2–3 Nm)
Ethanol wipes or isopropyl alcohol (IPA) wipes
Nylon probe (black stick)
Torx Plus 10IP 50 mm bit

Place the computer with the bottom cover facing up and the front ports facing you.
Insert the flat end of the black stick at a 45°–60° angle under the inner edge of the bottom cover screw pad.
Slide the black stick under the screw pad. Then lift the black stick to remove the screw pad from the bottom cover.
Caution: Don’t place your hand in front of the black stick.
Important: The adhesive strips on the bottom cover are reusable. If any of the adhesive strips are damaged, continue to step 4. Otherwise, skip to step 6.
Use the flat end of the black stick to gently scrape the damaged adhesive strip off the bottom cover.
Use ethanol wipes or IPA wipes to clean any adhesive residue from the bottom cover.
Use the adjustable torque driver and Torx Plus 10IP bit to remove the four 10IP screws (923-08938) from the bottom cover.
Lift the bottom cover off the housing.
Note: If the bottom cover does not easily lift off the housing, insert the pointed end of the black stick into one of the vent holes. Then use the black stick to lift the bottom cover off the housing.
Position the bottom cover on the housing with the lock slot (1) opposite the SDXC card slot and front ports (2).
Insert the Torx Plus 10IP bit into the 1.2–3 Nm adjustable torque driver. Set the torque value of the adjustable torque driver to 2.0 Nm.
Use the adjustable torque driver and Torx Plus 10IP bit to reinstall the four 10IP screws (923-08938) into the bottom cover.
Important: If you’re installing a replacement adhesive strip, continue to reassembly step 4. Otherwise, skip to reassembly step 8.
A replacement adhesive strip has a clear top release liner and a blue bottom release liner. Position the adhesive strip on the bottom cover with the blue release liner facing down and the clear adhesive liner facing up as shown.
Press the clear top release liner and adhesive (1) as you slowly peel the blue bottom release liner (2) from underneath the adhesive while pressing the adhesive onto the bottom cover.
Important: Don’t remove the blue adhesive backing all at once.
Slide and press along the length of the top release liner as you continue to peel the bottom release liner from the adhesive (3).
Gently peel the top adhesive liner from the adhesive strip.
Repeat steps 4 through 7 to install three additional adhesive strips if needed.
Identify the underside of the bottom cover screw pad. The underside of the bottom cover screw pad adheres to the bottom cover and has a slightly raised center. The outer side of the bottom cover screw pad is flat.
Position the bottom cover screw pad over the adhesive strips on the bottom cover. Press firmly along the length of the bottom cover screw pad to adhere it to the bottom cover.
After you’ve completed all removal and reassembly steps, learn how to initiate the System Configuration process.
System Configuration is required if you’ve installed a replacement logic board or SSD modules.
If you replaced the logic board or SSD modules, the computer won’t start up and the status indicator light will flash amber until you restore the computer using a separate Mac. Follow the instructions to restore the Mac. Then initiate the System Configuration process.