Check on a printer or print job using the Dock on Mac
While a document is printing, you can check your printer’s status in the Dock. You can also pause, resume, cancel, or change a printing job as needed.
Check your printer’s status
When you print, the Print Center icon appears in the Dock. The icon may display a badge that indicates its status.
Red badge: The printer is printing. The badge shows the number of print jobs in the printer queue.
Green badge with a pause symbol: The printer is paused. If you print to it, you’re asked whether to resume printing or queue the print job to print later. If you queue the print job, your document waits in the queue until you resume printing. You might want to do this if you aren’t currently connected to the printer.
Yellow badge: The printer has a problem you need to fix. For example, it could have a paper jam or need ink, toner, or paper. You may need to resume printing after you fix the problem.
For more information about a print job, click the Print Center icon in the Dock. For each print job, a progress bar and messages below it show whether the document is printing or on hold. For example, “Paused” appears below a print job if printing has been paused.
Pause, resume, cancel, or change printing
On your Mac, click the Print Center icon in the Dock while a document is printing.
To see information about print jobs, click the Printer icon in the sidebar. You can also choose View > Show Everyone’s Jobs to see all jobs, or do any of the following:
Pause a print job: Select it, then click
To pause all print jobs to a printer, click
in the toolbar.
Resume a print job: Select it, then click
To resume all print jobs to a printer, click Resume in the toolbar.
Delete a print job: Select it, then click
You can’t delete print jobs on another user’s shared printer.
View information about completed print jobs
After you print, you can view information about a document you printed, such as the time and date.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Printers & Scannersin the sidebar. (You may have to scroll down.)
Click the printer in the Printers list, then click the Printer Queue button.
Choose Window > Completed Jobs.
To see print jobs submitted by other users on this computer, choose Jobs > Show Everyone’s Jobs.