Annotate books in the Books app on iPhone
You can highlight, underline, and take notes as you read books in the Books app, and then share your annotations with others.

Highlight or underline text
Go to the Books app
on your iPhone.
Tap a book cover to open it.
Touch and hold a word, then move the grab points to adjust the selection.
Tap Highlight.
To change the highlight color or switch to underline, tap the text, tap Highlight, then tap an option.
To remove a highlight or underline, tap the text, then tap Remove Highlight.
To see all of your highlights, tap the page, tap , tap Bookmarks & Highlights, then tap Highlights. Tap a highlight to go to that location in the book.
Add a note
Go to the Books app
on your iPhone.
Tap a book cover to open it.
Touch and hold a word, then move the grab points to adjust the selection.
Tap Add Note, enter text, then tap Done.
To remove a note, tap the highlighted text, then tap Delete Note.
To see all of your notes, tap the page, tap , tap Bookmarks & Highlights, then tap Highlights. Tap a note to go to that location in the book.
Share highlights and notes
Go to the Books app
on your iPhone.
Tap a book cover to open it, tap any page, then tap
Tap Bookmarks & Highlights, then tap Highlights.
Tap Select, tap the items you want to share, then tap
Choose a sharing method such as AirDrop, Messages, or Mail.
After you share, tap Done to close Bookmarks & Highlights.
Delete highlights and notes
Go to the Books app
on your iPhone.
Tap a book cover to open it.
Tap a highlight or note, then tap Remove Highlight, Delete Note, or Remove Highlight & Note.
To delete multiple items at once, tap
, tap Bookmarks & Highlights, tap Highlight, then tap Select. Choose the items you want to delete, then tap
. Tap Done to close Bookmarks & Highlights.