Send your iPod to Apple for service
After you’ve contacted Apple for service, you’ll receive a kit that contains everything you need to return your product to Apple.
Before you ship your iPod
Back up your device.
Pack your iPod
Don't include anything else in the box — like a USB cable, power adapter, or other accessory. If you include extra items in the box, they won't be returned.
Lift up the top piece of foam inside the box.
Insert your iPod into the bag, seal the bag, and place it in the shipping box.
Replace the top piece of foam so that it covers your iPod, close the shipping box, and seal it with the tape provided.
Place the battery sticker on the bottom of the box, making sure that it doesn't cover the pre-applied shipping label.
Remove the top label from the shipping box. This is your receipt. Make sure the return shipping label remains on the box.
Ship your iPod to Apple
Apple isn’t responsible for any damage during shipping