Manage key command sets in Logic Remote on iPad
You can import or export a key command set for Logic Remote via your Mac. This is useful when you want to share a key command set or use it on another iPad, or if you need to restore a previously saved key command set.
As soon as you edit the original key command set for GarageBand in Logic Remote, a GarageBandKeyCommands.plist file is saved to the File Sharing area. You can share, back up, or restore the key command set from the File Sharing area.
The key command set you use in Logic Remote is independent of the one in GarageBand. Any changes you make are specific to Logic Remote.
Share a key command set from Logic Remote
Connect your iPad to your computer.
Open a Finder window, then click the name of your device in the Locations section of the window sidebar.
At the top of the Finder window, click Files, then click the disclosure arrow for Logic Remote.
Do one of the following:
Drag GarageBandKeyCommands.plist out of the Logic Remote Files list.
You can now share the key command set, or simply keep it as a backup.
Import a key command set to Logic Remote
Connect your iPad to your computer.
Open a Finder window, then click the name of your device in the Locations section of the window sidebar.
At the top of the Finder window, click Files, then click the disclosure arrow for Logic Remote.
Do one of the following:
Drag GarageBandKeyCommands.plist to the Logic Remote Files list.
Note: You can also share Logic Remote key commands between Logic Pro, GarageBand, and MainStage by renaming the LogicKeyCommands.plist, GarageBandKeyCommands.plist, or MainStageKeyCommands.plist file accordingly, then following the steps as described in the task to import a key command set into Logic Remote. Any unavailable key commands are dimmed.