Select other route options in Maps on iPad
With a route showing in the Maps app , you can select various options before you tap Go.
Choose an alternate route: If alternate routes appear, you can tap one on the map to take it (or tap Go next to its description in the route card). When you tap any part of an alternative route, its estimated travel time appears at the top of the route card.
Get travel time estimates for alternate routes: Scroll down in the route card.
Reverse the starting point and destination: Tap My Location (near the top of the route card), then tap
Choose a different starting point or destination: Tap My Location, tap either the From or To field, then enter a different location.
Switch to a different mode of travel: Tap
, or
View a route’s directions in a list: On the route card, tap Preview Route. To share the directions, scroll to the bottom of the card, then tap Share. When you’re finished, tap Done.
Depending on the mode of travel, you may have other route options, such as choosing an arrival time when driving, avoiding heavy traffic when cycling, or choosing which transit method you prefer.