How to use the function keys on your Mac
The top row of keys on your Apple keyboard can control built-in Mac features or be used as standard function keys.
Use the keys to control features
By default, the top row of keys on your Apple keyboard control different functions on your Mac. Not all keyboards have symbols for the same functions, but the example pictured here shows symbols for controlling display
, , , and , as well as several media-playback and volume controls.
If your Mac has a Touch Bar, learn about using function keys on MacBook Pro with Touch Bar.
Use the keys as standard function keys
Press and hold
while pressing a function key. For example, pressing both Fn and F3 performs the action (if any) assigned to the F3 key instead of opening . If your keyboard doesn’t have an Fn key, try pressing and holding the Control key when pressing a function key.Standard function keys work differently depending on the app and the keyboard shortcuts that you've set up. Some apps have their own keyboard shortcut settings that you can customize.
Change the default behavior of the keys
If you want to change the top row of keys to work as standard function keys without having to press the Fn key as well, follow these steps, depending on the version of macOS you're using:
macOS Ventura or later
Choose Apple menu > System Settings.
Click Keyboard in the sidebar.
Click the Keyboard Shortcuts button on the right.
Click Function Keys in the sidebar.
Turn on “Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys”.
Earlier macOS versions
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences.
Click Keyboard.
Select “Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys”.
If you don't see the “Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" setting, you might be using a keyboard not made by Apple, and you might need a third-party keyboard utility to change the keyboard functions. Check with your keyboard manufacturer for more information.