Save a document as a package or a single file in Pages, Numbers, or Keynote on Mac

If your document is larger than 500 MB and you aren’t using Apple File System (APFS) or you’re using an older version of Pages, Numbers, or Keynote, the app might prompt you to save the document as a package.

A package is a collection of files that your Mac reads as one file. By default, Pages, Numbers, or Keynote auto-saves a document, spreadsheet, or presentation as a single file. Here's what to do if Pages, Numbers, or Keynote prompts you to save your document as a package:

  • If you're saving your document to your hard drive, you're experiencing wait cursors or slow performance when editing your document, or you're saving your document in iCloud Drive, choose Use Package.

  • If you plan to upload your document to a third-party cloud sharing service like Box or Dropbox using a web browser, choose Keep Single File.

You can switch between a single file and a package at any time. Open your file. Then choose File > Advanced > Change File Type, and select the type you'd like to use.

If your package is damaged and can't be opened

If you try to open a file saved as a package and you get an alert that says “[Document] can't be opened right now,” the file might be damaged. A document saved as a package can get damaged if it was sent with email or uploaded to a third-party cloud sharing service like Box or Dropbox using a web browser.

If you get this alert, ask the owner of the file to save it as a single file and send it back to you.

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