Buy books and audiobooks on iPhone
In the Books app, you can find today’s bestsellers, view top charts, explore series, and browse lists curated by Apple Books editors. After you select a book or audiobook, you can read or listen to it right in the Books app.

Go to the Books app
on your iPhone.
Tap Book Store or Audiobooks to browse titles, or tap Search to look for a specific title, author, series, or genre.
Tip: Tap Sections at the top of the screen to view titles in categories like Top Charts and Book Clubs, or genres like Biographies & Memoirs and Young Adults.
Tap a book cover to see more details, read a sample, listen to a preview, or mark as Want to Read.
Tap Buy to purchase a title, or tap Get to download a free title.
All purchases are made with the payment method associated with your Apple Account.
You can allow books and audiobooks to download automatically over your cellular network when you aren’t connected to Wi-Fi. Go to Settings > Apps > Books, then turn on Automatic Downloads. Tap Downloads, then choose Always Allow, Ask If Over 200 MB, or Always Ask.