Make finishing touches to a trailer in iMovie on iPad
To finish your trailer, you can preview it and make adjustments to your video clips or the placement of photos.
Preview your trailer
With your trailer project open, you can play the trailer at any time to watch it from the beginning or to check your work in progress.
In the iMovie app
on your iPad, open a trailer storyboard project.
Do any of the following:
Play the trailer in the viewer: Tap the Play button
below the viewer. In the Outline tab, the trailer plays from the beginning; in the Storyboard tab, the trailer plays from the playhead (the red vertical line). Tap the Pause button to stop playback.
Play the trailer from the beginning in full-screen view: Tap the Play Full Screen button
. If the playback controls aren’t showing, tap the screen. Tap Done to stop playback.
Play only the selected portion of the video: Tap the Play button
at the bottom of the screen. Tap the button again to stop playback.
Adjust a video clip
You can adjust which portion of your video clip appears in a placeholder if the video clip lasts longer than the designated time for that item. You can also turn on audio for the clip (it’s off by default).
In the iMovie app
on your iPad, open a trailer storyboard project.
Tap the Storyboard tab.
Tap the placeholder containing the video you want to adjust.
The entire video clip containing the selected portion of video appears, with the selected portion outlined in yellow.
Do any of the following:
Select a new portion of the video: Drag the clip left or right to make a new selection.
The viewer shows the first frame of the selection as you move the clip, so you can see precisely where the selection begins.
Turn on audio: Tap the Mute button
Note: If you recorded into a photo placeholder, you can’t turn on audio.
Preview the selected video: Tap the Play button
at the bottom of the screen; tap it again to stop playback.
Watching the video helps you determine whether you selected the portion you want.
When you’re finished, tap Done below the viewer, or tap Next to adjust the next item.
Adjust a photo
In the iMovie app
on your iPad, open a trailer storyboard project.
Tap the Storyboard tab.
Tap the placeholder containing the photo you want to adjust.
Tap Start or End to adjust the way the photo is framed at the beginning or end of the Ken Burns effect.
In the viewer, pinch to zoom in or out, then drag the start or end image to frame it the way you want.
Tap Done below the viewer.
To turn off the Ken Burns effect for the photo, tap Ken Burns Enabled . To turn on the Ken Burns effect, tap Ken Burns Disabled
Remove video or photos
You must first empty a placeholder before you can add a different photo or video clip to it.
In the iMovie app
on your iPad, open a trailer storyboard project.
In the Storyboard tab, tap the placeholder you want to empty.
Tap the Delete button
When you’re finished, you can watch your movie and then share it on the internet.