Problems with course transfer in iTunes U for web
If you have trouble transferring ownership of a course to another instructor, or accepting and declining transfer invitations in iTunes U for web, keep the following in mind:
Only the course owner can transfer ownership of a course.
To transfer ownership of a course, you must specify a valid Apple ID or Managed Apple ID in the “Transfer the course to a new instructor” pop-up pane.
To transfer ownership of a course as an affiliated instructor, both you and the new owner must be affiliated with the same institution.
To transfer ownership of a managed course, both you and the new owner must be associated with the same organization in Apple School Manager. In addition, you cannot transfer an unmanaged course to a Managed Apple ID instructor and you cannot transfer a course that uses a roster imported from an Apple School Manager class.
You can continue to edit a course until the new instructor accepts or declines the invitation. After the new instructor accepts the transfer invitation and while the transfer is still in progress, iTunes U locks the course and you cannot edit any course information.
After the new instructor accepts the transfer invitation, iTunes U transfers ownership of the course to the new instructor and changes your instructor status from owner to contributor. You cannot transfer a course if transferring to the new instructor exceeds the maximum number of course contributors. To transfer the course, remove a contributor or transfer to an existing contributor. If you want to remove the course from your dashboard, you must leave the course.
All course materials might not be available if the new instructor is using the iTunes Store in a different country and does not have access to all course materials.
You cannot accept a course transfer if accepting exceeds your 12 course limit (unaffiliated instructors only). To accept the course, delete a course you no longer need or remove the course limit by making your institution an iTunes U approved institution.
You cannot accept a course transfer if accepting exceeds your 20 GB storage limit (unaffiliated instructors only). To free up space and accept the course, remove materials you no longer need or remove the storage limit by affiliating with your institution’s iTunes U site.
If the owner of a managed course is no longer associated with the Apple School Manager organization (for example, the instructor retires), iTunes U automatically transfers the course to an alternate iTunes U instructor listed in the Apple School Manager class information.
If you created courses and uploaded materials in iTunes U before your school or district began using Apple School Manager, and you want to use the courses and materials for your Apple School Manager classes, you should send a copy of the course to your Managed Apple ID. When sending a copy of a course, iTunes U does not change anything in your original course but instead creates a snapshot of your original course including all info pages, posts, and materials. If a student roster exists in the original course, iTunes U does not copy the student roster over to the snapshot version of the course.