Avoid scams when you use Apple Cash
Learn how to use Apple Cash safely and securely, and how to recognize common scams.
Use Apple Cash safely and securely
When you use Apple Cash1, you should send and receive money only with people that you know and trust. If you feel that you have been impacted or have questions about scams, contact an Apple Cash Specialist at Green Dot Bank.
Warnings are presented when you attempt to send money via Apple Cash to someone outside your contacts or if Apple considers a transaction risky. To use Apple Cash safely, pay attention to these warnings.
Additionally, there are precautions that you can take to recognize and avoid common scams.
If someone that you don't know, or whose contact information you don't recognize, contacts you via phone, email, on a messaging platform, or on a social media platform and asks you to send money via Apple Cash, don't make the payment — even if the person claims to be someone that you know.
If someone is pressuring you to make a payment, you aren't sure if you should send or receive money, or you're in a situation where you wouldn't hand someone physical cash, consider not making the payment.
Avoid common scams when using Apple Cash
Follow these tips to help you recognize and avoid common scams.

Don't send money for things that you haven't received
If you pay first but don't receive the item, you might not be able to get your money back.
When you purchase an item (like concert tickets or furniture), don't send the money until you receive the item.
If you buy something on an online marketplace and the seller asks you to make the payment via Apple Cash, be aware that there might be additional risks if you pay outside of the online marketplace.

Don't send money in exchange for a check
Don't accept a check or other form of payment from someone you don't know, have just met, or know only online.
Scammers might offer to write you a check and ask for an Apple Cash payment. The check that they wrote might then bounce and you won't be able to get your money back.
Don't help facilitate money transfers for strangers, including with checks. Even if you aren't being scammed, you might be an unwitting participant in a scam.

Don't send money to a scammer posing as an employee of a business or government agency
Businesses and government agencies won't request payment via Apple Cash.
Scammers often pose as employees of companies, especially banks, and government agencies like the IRS. Many of these scams are high-pressure, with the scammer demanding an immediate payment or even threatening law enforcement action.
If someone calls or messages you stating that they are an employee of a company or government agency, hang up and call the support number for that organization. For your bank, that number is on the back of your debit or credit card.

Don't send money or share information with a scammer posing as Apple or tech support
Apple won't request payment via Apple Cash, and will never ask for your Apple Account password, verification codes, device passcode, recovery key, or any account security details. Never share this information with anyone else. Learn more about how you can help keep your Apple Account secure.
A scammer might contact you posing as Apple Support or other tech support, and claim to have identified an issue with your iPhone or other device. They might ask you to install screen-sharing software to troubleshoot the issue, or test your device by sending payment via Apple Cash. You shouldn't make this payment.
If you need support, contact an Apple Cash Specialist at Green Dot Bank.
Learn more
You shouldn’t buy gift cards and provide codes as a form of payment. Learn more about gift card scams and how to avoid them
Apple Cash uses security features built-in to the hardware and software of your device. Learn more about Apple Pay security and privacy
Apple Cash services are provided by Green Dot Bank, Member FDIC. Apple Payments Services LLC, a subsidiary of Apple Inc., is a service provider of Green Dot Bank for Apple Cash accounts. Neither Apple Inc. nor Apple Payments Services LLC is a bank. Learn more about the Terms and Conditions . Only available in the U.S. on eligible devices. To send and receive money with an Apple Cash account, you must be 18 and a U.S. resident. If you’re under 18, your family organizer can set up Apple Cash for you as part of their Apple Cash Family account, but you may not be able to access features that require a supported payment card. Security checks may require more time to make funds available. Apple Cash Family accounts can only send or receive up to $2000 within a rolling seven-day period. Tap to Cash transactions can only be used to sendor receive up to $2000 within a rolling seven-day period. Other limits apply, see Terms and Conditions for details. To access and use all Apple Cash features, you must have an eligible device with Wallet that has the latest version of iOS.
Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information.