Get directions between places other than your current location in Maps on iPod touch
You can get directions and estimated travel times between any two locations other than your current location in the Maps app .
Do one of the following:
Tap your destination (such as a landmark on a map), then tap Directions.
Touch and hold any spot on the map, then tap Directions.
To choose your mode of travel, tap a button, such as
To reverse the starting point and destination, tap My Location (near the top of the route card), tap
, then tap Route.
To choose a different starting point or destination, tap My Location, tap either the From or To field, enter a different location, then tap Route.
Tap Go for the route you want.
Do any of the following:
See upcoming directions: Swipe the banner at the top of the screen left.
View and share the directions in a list: Tap the route card at the bottom of the screen, then tap Details. To share the list of directions, scroll to the bottom of the route card, then tap Share.
See the route overview: Tap the route card, then tap Overview. To see more detail again, tap the route card, then tap Zoom In.
When you’re finished, tap End, or say something like “Hey Siri, Stop navigating.”