Use Game Center to play with friends

Send friend requests, manage your profile, earn achievements and compete on leaderboards across devices using Game Center.

Create a Game Center profile

Find out how to create a profile with a personalised Memoji and customised initials.

On your iPhone or iPad

  1. Open Settings. Scroll to Game Center, then tap it.

  2. If Game Center isn’t turned on, turn it on, then sign in with your Apple ID.*

    Settings for Game Center on an iPhone. You can see your profile, nickname and other options.
  3. Tap the Nickname field to enter a name that your friends will see when you play games together. If you can’t think of a name, you can choose one of the randomly generated suggestions.

  4. To personalise the picture that is displayed with your nickname, tap Edit Avatar. From here, you can create a Memoji, use an existing one or customise how your nickname’s initials appear.

* If you can see a nickname or other information that has previously been set up, you may already have a Game Center profile. To verify that you’re signed in with your Apple ID on your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings and look for your Apple ID. To verify that you’re signed in with your Apple ID on your Mac, choose Apple menu  > System Settings, then click Game Center and look for your Apple ID.

On your Mac

  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Settings, then click Game Center.

  2. If Game Center isn’t turned on, turn it on, then sign in with your Apple ID.*

  3. To enter a name that your friends will see when you play games together, click the Nickname field and start typing. If you can’t think of a name, you can choose one of the randomly generated suggestions.

    Settings for Game Center on macOS. You can edit your profile, nickname and other options.
  4. To personalise the picture that is displayed with your nickname, go back to Settings on your iPhone or iPad. Scroll to Game Center, then tap it. From here, tap Edit Avatar to create a Memoji, use an existing one or customise how your nickname’s initials will appear.

Find out how your Game Center profile is used

You can use Game Center to access your saved games across all of your devices.

Add friends

You can add friends in Game Center.

On your iPhone or iPad

  1. Open Settings. Scroll to Game Center, then tap it.

  2. Tap Invite Friends.

  3. Enter the phone number or email of the person you want to invite to be friends in Game Center, or tap the Add buttonNo alt supplied for Image to invite one of your contacts. When that person has accepted the request through the Messages app, you’ll be able to see them in your list of friends.

On your Mac

  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Settings, then click Game Center.

  2. To view your profile in the App Store, click Show Profile.

  3. Click Friends.

  4. Select a friend from Suggestions or click Invite Friends.

  5. If you’ve clicked Invite Friends, enter the phone number or email of the person that you want to invite as a friend in Game Center.

Remove friends or report Game Center users

Find out how to stop being friends with someone in Game Center.

On your iPhone or iPad

  1. Open Settings. Scroll to Game Center, then tap it.

  2. Tap your Apple ID to view your profile.

  3. Tap Friends to see a list of users you’re friends with and users you’ve played with recently.

  4. Swipe left over the user’s name to reveal more options.

    Friends settings for Game Center on iPhone. Removing a friend by swiping left to reveal the report and remove options.
  5. Tap Remove to stop being friends with someone in Game Center. This will remove you from their list of friends as well.To report a profile for cheating, inappropriate content or another issue, tap Report and follow the onscreen instructions.

On your Mac

  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Settings, then click Game Center.

  2. To view your profile in the App Store, click Show Profile.

  3. To see a list of users who you’re friends with and users who you’ve recently played with, click Friends.

  4. Click the username of the user who you want to remove.

  5. Click the More buttonNo alt supplied for Image in the top right-hand corner of the window.

  6. Click Remove Friend to stop being friends with someone in Game Center. This will remove you from their list of friends as well. To report a profile for cheating, inappropriate content or another issue, click Report User and follow the onscreen instructions.

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