Find out where you downloaded an iPhone or iPad app from in the European Union
Use Settings on a device with iOS 17.4 or later, or an iPadOS 18 or later, to view information about downloaded apps, including the app marketplace or website they were downloaded from.
Features in this article are only available to users in countries or regions of the European Union.
Check where an app was downloaded from
Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
Scroll down and tap the name of the app you want to check.
Under App Marketplace Information, check the name of the app marketplace or website that was used to install that app listed next to Marketplace. If you’re viewing the setting for an app marketplace itself, you can check where it originated next to Installed From.
Get help with alternative app marketplaces and apps downloaded through alternative app distribution
For help, contact the developer of the alternative app marketplace or the developer of the app you’ve installed. This includes help with how to use the app, issues with the app and billing support. Alternative app marketplaces and apps downloaded from them are not fully supported by Apple. Find out more about alternative app distribution.
Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
Scroll down and tap Apps.
Tap the name of the app that you need help with.
Under App Information, tap the Get Support link. This will open the preferred support path the developer has provided.
If you want to contact the developer another way or experience any issues, try searching the internet for the name of the developer. You can delete the app at any time if you don't want it.
Need more help?
Tell us more about what’s happening and we’ll suggest what you can do next.