Find out how to force restart your iPod
If your iPod isn't responding, try forcing it to restart.
Force restart your iPod touch
Follow the instructions for your model:
iPod touch (7th generation)
Press and hold both the Top button and the Volume Down button for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo.
Force restart your iPod touch (6th generation) and earlier
Press and hold both the Top button and the Home button for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo.
Need more help?
Force restart your iPod nano
Follow the instructions for your model:
iPod nano (7th generation)
Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home button until the screen turns off. Then wait a few seconds for your device to restart. Still need help? Plug your iPod into power, then try again.
iPod nano (6th generation)
Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Volume Down button for at least 8 seconds, or until you see the Apple logo. Still need help? Plug your iPod into power, then try again.
iPod nano (5th generation) and earlier
Put the Hold switch firmly in the unlocked position. Then press and hold the Menu and Centre (or Select) buttons for 8 seconds, or until you see the Apple logo.
Need more help?
Learn how to charge your iPod nano or get help with other issues on your iPod nano.
If you can't force restart your iPod (5th generation), place your device on a table and try again. This time, when you press the Centre button, don't touch the Click Wheel. And, when you press Menu, press near the outside of the Click Wheel instead of near the centre.
Force restart your iPod shuffle
Find out how to force restart your iPod shuffle or find out how to charge your device. Find out which model you have.
Force restart your iPod classic
Put the Hold switch firmly in the unlocked position.
Press and hold the Menu and Centre (or Select) buttons for 8 seconds, or until you see the Apple logo.
Still need help?
Place your iPod on a desk or table and try again. This time, when you press the Centre button, don't touch the Click Wheel. And, when you press the Menu button, press it near the outside of the Click Wheel instead of near the centre.
You can also learn how to charge your iPod classic.