Transition to Final Cut Pro from Final Cut Pro 7
Find out about making the transition to Final Cut Pro from Final Cut Pro 7.
Before you update to Final Cut Pro, create backups of your files in case you need them later. Consider completing any active projects before moving to Final Cut Pro.
Read the Final Cut Pro for Final Cut Pro 7 Editors white paper, which helps Final Cut Pro 7 editors transition to Final Cut Pro. The white paper provides an overview of the key interface and workflow differences between the two apps.
Find out about Final Cut Pro features from the overview page.
Find out details about how to use Final Cut Pro from the comprehensive Final Cut Pro User Guide.
You can purchase and download Final Cut Pro exclusively from the Mac App Store.
For suggestions and tips from other users, post questions to the Final Cut Pro Support Community about transitioning to Final Cut Pro.
Move projects to Final Cut Pro using SendToX
You can use SendToX, an app from third-party developer Intelligent Assistance Software, to help import your Final Cut Pro 7 projects into Final Cut Pro. Learn more about how to use SendToX.
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