Make phone calls with Voice over LTE (VoLTE)
You can make high-quality phone calls with VoLTE on an iPhone 6 or later. To make these calls, both phones need to work with VoLTE.
Check your network provider and location
Whether you can use VoLTE depends on a few things:
Your location, your account with your network provider and the model of your iPhone
The network provider, network provider account, location and phone model of the person you're calling
Some network providers support VoLTE only in certain cities or area codes. Contact your network provider to ask about your area and account.
You can check wireless network provider support and features for iPhone to see if your network provider supports VoLTE.
Turn on VoLTE
Some network providers turn on this feature by default. To find out if VoLTE is on, go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options and turn on VoLTE or Enable LTE.

If you see an error message
When you try to turn on VoLTE, you may see a message that says "Cannot Activate LTE Calls. To enable LTE Calls on this account, contact your network provider”. This can happen with some account types, including business lines, and on some network providers. Enabling VoLTE on a mobile network that hasn't been certified by the network provider for VoLTE may affect battery life, calls, text, messages, voicemail and cellular data. Contact your network provider for help.
You may also see a message that says you need to insert a new SIM card. This can happen with older SIM cards. You may need a new SIM card to use VoLTE. Contact your network provider.