Add music to build your Apple Music library on Windows
As you get started using the Apple Music app on your Windows computer, you can build your music library — your collection of songs and albums — in many ways.

Subscribe to Apple Music
When you subscribe to Apple Music, you can start listening to millions of songs from the Apple Music catalogue straightaway. To access your music library on all your devices, turn on “Sync library”. Then, add and download unlimited songs so that you can play your favourites at any time, even when you’re offline.
Buy music from the iTunes Store
If you don’t subscribe to Apple Music and you want to add your favourite songs or albums, you can buy and download music from the iTunes Store. And if you previously purchased items from the iTunes Store, you can download them to your authorised computers and devices (up to 10 total).
Transfer music from your iPhone, iPad or iPod
Use the Devices app to sync your Windows device and iPhone, iPad or iPod to transfer and update music between your Windows computer and your device.
Import music from other sources
You can import music from other sources, including your computer (for any personal recordings) and from the internet (when a website allows you to download an audio file).
After you add music to your library, you can listen to it, organise it in playlists, add it to mobile devices and more.