Print calendars or events in Calendar on Mac
You can print Day, Week or Month calendars, which can include events in specific calendars and event details. You can also print a list of all events occurring within a time range or a list of specific events.
Print calendars or a list of all events within a time range
In the Calendar app
on your Mac, choose File > Print.
Click the View pop-up menu, then choose a print layout.
Click the Starts and Ends pop-up menus, then choose a time range.
Select the tickboxes next to the calendars to print.
Select any additional options.
Click the “Text size” pop-up menu, then choose whether you want event headings to appear in big, medium or small text.
Click Continue, choose the printer and any printing preferences, then click Print.
Print a list of selected events
In the Calendar app
on your Mac, Shift-click multiple events to select them.
Choose File > Print.
Click the View pop-up menu, then choose Selected Events.
Select any additional options.
Click the “Text size” pop-up menu, then choose whether you want event headings to appear in big, medium or small text.
Click Continue, choose the printer and any printing preferences, then click Print.