Learn to set up your environment and use your devices safely.
Keep moving
Wherever you are, remember to readjust often, so that you stay comfortable. Check these things:
Keep your head and neck centered and in a neutral position. You might need to raise your device, so that you don’t look too far down.
Try not to rotate or twist. If you need to look down to see what you’re doing, try to change position every so often.
Keep your shoulders relaxed, not elevated.
Remember to check the posture of your spine and lower back to maintain a neutral position.
When you use headphones, adjust them so that they remain comfortable to wear.

Take a break
Throughout the day, remember to walk around, stretch, and change tasks about every hour. You can also set a reminder, so that you don't forget.
Here are a few things you can do:
Stand at least two minutes every hour
Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds to refocus your eyes. You can also relax your eyes by looking at a distant object or closing your eyes for a brief period.
Switch hands or change your grip on your device.

Get comfortable
When you set up your space, check the lighting, noise level, and your body's alignment. Use the tips below to make sure that everything's right for you.
Head and neck

Change your screen's height
Raise or lower your screen, so that the area you’re looking at aligns with your brow or slightly below it. If your screen is too low, raise it with a stand.
Adjust your screen's distance
Move your screen a comfortable distance away from your eyes, between 20-30 inches (50-75 cm). Adjust the screen’s angle to be comfortable for you.
Center your screen
If you use one device or display, center it in front of your body. If you use multiple screens and spend more time with one, center your main display. If you use them equally, center them together.
Spine and legs

Check your seat
Try to keep your hips and knees level and your thighs parallel to the ground. Your back and thighs should create an angle between 90°-110°. Avoid sitting on your chair's edge for a long time, as it can strain your back. Support your feet on the floor or with a footrest to alleviate pressure on the back of your thighs.
To support your lower back when you sit, sit all the way back in the seat. Maintain a comfortable, neutral lumbar spine position and avoid slouching. If you round your lower back or don't support it properly, you might fatigue and strain your muscles.
Adjust how you stand
When you stand, you should wear supportive shoes and bend your knees slightly to avoid locking them. Keep your feet at least shoulder-width apart to evenly support your weight.

Support your forearms
Find a neutral positions with your forearms parallel to the surface that you’re working on with your hands and wrists straight. When you can, try to support your forearms with armrests or a nearby surface. To find a comfortable, neutral position, change the height of your chair, work surface, or footrest.
Relax your shoulders and arms
Let your arms rest naturally and keep your elbows close to your sides. Relax your shoulders, so your arms can move freely.

Think about the volume
Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid turning the volume up to block noise around you. Check the volume levels on your headsets or speakers, and choose an appropriate one for you or set a limit.
Keep track of time
Track how long you listen to audio at high volume. Lower the volume whenever you can.
Adjust your settings
Accessibility settings let you customize audio playback. Learn about accessibility features.

Refocus your eyes
To give your eyes a break, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. You can also look at a distant object or close your eyes for a brief period.
Adjust screen brightness
To make your eyes more comfortable, change your display’s brightness to match the lighting around you. For example, you might want to reduce your screen’s brightness in the evening or increase it in the morning.
Reduce glare
To reduce glare on your screen, adjust its position. If you still see glare, change the lighting around you with blinds, shades, or different lighting fixtures.
The information provided above is for informational purposes only and isn't medical advice. Always consult with a physician or other qualified professional with any questions you might have regarding a medical condition.