Receive FaceTime calls on iPad
Answer a FaceTime call
When a FaceTime call comes in, do any of the following:
Accept the call: To answer a video call, tap
, then tap Join. To answer an audio call, tap
If a slider appears, you can drag it right to answer.
Decline the call: Tap
Tap Remind Me to set a reminder to call back, or tap Message to send a text message. (You may need to tap the incoming call banner to see these options.)
Put the current call on hold: Tap Hold and Accept.
Note: This option is only available if you’re on a FaceTime audio call and you receive another incoming FaceTime audio call. Otherwise, you can tap End & Accept to end the current call and answer the incoming call.
Tip: You can have Siri announce incoming calls, which you can accept or decline using your voice.
Listen to a video or audio message
If you miss an incoming video call from a known contact and the caller leaves a video message, you receive a notification about the video message, which you can tap to view. You can also find a link to the video in your call history, below the missed call.
Note: You can receive video messages only from saved contacts, people you’ve called, and people suggested by Siri.
After the caller leaves a video message, a link to it appears in your FaceTime call history, just below their call.
If you miss an incoming audio call, the caller can leave a voicemail if you have Live Voicemail turned on in Settings > Apps > Phone, and your iPhone is signed in to FaceTime with the same Apple Account as your iPad. The voicemail appears in your FaceTime call history on your iPhone.

Delete a call from your call history
Open the FaceTime app , swipe left over the call in your call history, then tap