Webpage Translation in Safari on Mac
Safari analyzes each webpage you visit to determine its language. This determination is made entirely on your device. If the webpage can be translated to any of your preferred languages, you can choose to translate it. If you translate, Safari sends the webpage’s contents (including the full text) to Apple’s servers for translation. After the translation is complete, Apple discards the contents of the webpage.
Note: The availability of translations and the number of languages that can be translated may vary by country or region.
If the webpage was not viewed in Private Browsing mode, then Safari also sends the webpage’s address to Apple. Apple stores the address for up to 5 years to improve Apple’s products, services, and technologies. Since Apple does not store the contents of webpages you translate, only publicly accessible webpages are used to improve Apple’s products, services, and technologies.
Webpage contents and addresses sent to Apple aren’t associated with your Apple Account, email address, or other data Apple may have from your use of other Apple services.
In order to provide you with a better browsing experience, after translating a particular webpage, other webpages in the same domain that you visit within the same tab may also be translated. Safari stops automatically translating when you visit a webpage that is no longer in the same original language, or a webpage on a different domain.