Print a spreadsheet in Numbers on Mac
Before you print a spreadsheet, you might want to change its settings so that it looks the way you want it to print. For example, you might want to hide or show a table name and turn off the gridlines so they don’t appear.
In Numbers, you can specify other settings that affect your printed spreadsheet but not your working canvas. These settings include page numbers, margins, page header, and more.
Print a spreadsheet
Open the spreadsheet and choose File > Print.
The Print Setup sidebar opens on the right and your spreadsheet appears in a blue grid on the left.
Click the Printer pop-up menu and choose a printer.
If you don’t already have a printer set up, do so in the Apple menu
> System Settings (or System Preferences) > Printers & Scanners.
Click the Page Size pop-up menu and choose an option.
Set other print options:
Page Orientation: Numbers uses portrait (vertical) by default, but you can choose landscape instead.
Content Scale: By default, Numbers scales your content so that it fits the width of one page. To display content across multiple pages, drag the slider to adjust the scale. To fit content to the width of a page again, click Fit. (If you open a spreadsheet from Numbers ‘09, Fit is turned off by default.)
Repeat table headers: Select the checkbox to print table headers on every page where the table appears.
Print comments: Select the checkbox to print comments. Comments appear on a separate page that follows the sheet. Comment flags on the sheet are numbered to correspond with the comments on the comment page.
Print sheet background: Select the checkbox to print the background color of the sheet. If you turn off sheet backgrounds, all text colors for the sheet are changed to black. This option appears only when you change the sheet background.
Page Numbers: Page numbers are printed by default. To continue page numbers from the previous sheet, select “Continue from previous sheet.” If you select “Start at,” type a starting page number. If you don’t want a page number to print on a specific sheet, click the center of the footer on the sheet thumbnail in the grid on the left, select the page number, then press Delete on the keyboard.
Page Order: Choose whether pages are numbered top to bottom, then left to right, or left to right, then top to bottom.
Page Margins: Enter values or click the arrows next to Top and Bottom to set the page margins.
To add and edit a header, do any of the following:
Add text in a header: Move the pointer over a sheet thumbnail in the grid on the left, then click and type in the header field that appears. You must add headers to each sheet where you want them.
Insert a page number, page count, or date & time in a header: Move the pointer over a sheet thumbnail in the grid on the left, then click in the header field. Choose Insert > Page Number, Page Count, or Date & Time (from the Insert menu at the top of your screen).
Change the look of header and footer text: Select the text, click Text at the top of the Print Setup sidebar, then choose formatting options.
Select This Sheet to print only the current sheet, or All Sheets to print every sheet in your spreadsheet.
Click Print.
Note: A print dialog appears with options to specify the number of copies, range of pages to print, and more.
To exit the print settings at any time, click Done at the bottom of the sidebar to return to your sheet.
To customize how your spreadsheet looks when it’s exported to PDF, specify the print settings, click Print, then click PDF.