Switch quickly between users on Mac
If your Mac has multiple users, an administrator can turn on fast user switching to let more than one user stay logged in at the same time.
Turn on fast user switching
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, click Users & Groups, then click Login Options.
Click the lock icon
to unlock it, then enter an administrator name and password.
Select “Show fast user switching menu as,” then choose how the fast user switching menu looks in the menu bar.
Switch by using a password
On your Mac, click the fast user switching menu in the menu bar, then choose your user name.
The fast user switching menu is in the upper-right corner of the screen and looks like a user icon or shows the name of the current user, depending on the setting in Users & Groups preferences.
Enter your password, then click the arrow.
Switch by using Touch ID
On your Mac, click the fast user switching menu in the menu bar, then choose your name.
The fast user switching menu is in the upper-right corner of the screen and looks like a user icon or shows the name of the current user, depending on the setting in Users & Groups preferences.
Place your finger on Touch ID.
To display the login window instead of switching directly to another user, click the fast user switching menu in the menu bar, then choose Login Window.