Keep track of your health and wellness with iPhone
iPhone can help you track data about your health and record important information. Use the Health app to support your health and well-being. You can view your activity levels, create a bedtime routine, track your menstrual cycle, and more.

Movement matters
Carry iPhone with you to count your steps and how many flights of stairs you climb each day. Open the Health app to check your activity. Tap Steps or Flights Climbed, then choose the weekly, monthly, or yearly view to see your activity over time.

Meet your sleep goals
Use Sleep to set a goal for how long you want to sleep each night, then record how many hours you spend in bed and sleeping. You can also create a customized bedtime routine to help you unwind—like listening to music or a podcast. To get set up, open Health, scroll to Set Up Sleep, then tap Get Started.

Track your cycle
Gain insight into your menstrual cycle by tracking symptoms and duration. Find out when your period is likely to begin, get prediction notifications when your fertile window is approaching, and view your cycle history. To get started, open the Health app, tap Browse, then tap Cycle Tracking.

Record your progress
The Health app uses your iPhone and, if you have one, your Apple Watch to record data about your fitness and health in different categories. You can also enter information directly into a category, like nutrition or body measurements. To view and update health categories, open Health, then tap Browse.
Want to learn more? See View health and fitness information, Set up sleep schedules, Track your menstrual cycle, and Collect health and fitness data.