Create and format notes on iPhone
Use the Notes app to jot down quick thoughts or organize detailed information with checklists, images, web links, scanned documents, handwritten notes, and sketches.

Make a new note
Open the Notes app
on your iPhone.
, then enter your text.
The first line of the note becomes the note’s title.
To save the note, tap Done.
Format text
In a note, select the text you want to format.
, then choose a style such as Heading, Monostyled, bold or italic font, block quote, bulleted or numbered list, and more.
Tip: To choose a default style for the first line in all new notes, go to Settings > Notes > New Notes Start With.
Add a checklist
In a note, tap , then do any of the following:
Add items to the list: Enter text, then tap return to enter the next item.
Increase or decrease the indentation: Swipe right or left on the item.
Mark an item as completed: Tap the empty circle next to the item to add a checkmark.
Reorder an item: Touch and hold the empty circle or checkmark next to the item, then drag the item to a new position in the list.
Manage items in the list: Tap the list to see the menu, tap
, tap Checklist, then tap Check All, Uncheck All, Delete Checked, or Move Checked to Bottom.
To automatically sort checked items to the bottom in all your notes, go to Settings > Notes > Sort Checked Items, then tap Automatically.
Add or edit a table

In a note, tap , then do any of the following:
Enter text: Tap a cell, then enter your text. To start another line of text in the cell, touch and hold the Shift key and tap next.
Move to the next cell: Tap next. When you reach the last cell, tap next to start a new row.
Format a row or column: Tap the three dots at the beginning of the row or at the top of the column. Tap the three dots again, tap Format, then choose a style, such as bold or italic.
Add or delete a row or column: Tap the three dots at the beginning of the row or at the top of the column. Tap the three dots again, then choose to add or delete.
Move a row or column: Tap the three dots at the beginning of the row or at the top of the column, then drag it to a new position.
See more columns: If the table becomes wider than your screen, swipe right or left on the table to see all the columns.
To remove the table and convert its contents to text, tap a cell in the table, tap , then tap Convert to Text.