Create, manage or remove an Apple Music profile on Mac
After you join Apple Music, you need to create a profile and add friends before you can share music with friends.

Create your profile
In the Music app
on your Mac, click Listen Now in the sidebar on the left.
Click the My Account button (looks like a photo or monogram) in the top-right corner of the window, then click Get Started.
If you want to only share music with friends, make sure to select People You Approve in the “Choose who can follow you” area.
You can invite friends to follow you after you finish setting up your profile.
Add or remove friends
In the Music app
on your Mac, click Listen Now in the sidebar on the left.
Click the My Account button (looks like a photo or monogram) in the top-right corner of the window, then click Find More Friends at the bottom of your profile.
Click Follow or Invite to connect with a friend.
To specify who appears in this list, choose Account > Find Friend Settings.
Click Close.
Alternatively, you can enter a friend’s name in the search field, choose a result, then click Follow. If you can’t find someone, make sure they have created a profile. If the friend’s profile is private, they have to approve your request.
To stop following someone, click the My Account button, click the person’s profile, then click Following.
Accept or decline requests
In the Music app
on your Mac, click Listen Now in the sidebar on the left.
Click the My Account button (looks like a photo or monogram) in the top-right corner of the window, then click View Requests.
You receive requests only if you select People You Approve in your profile.
Do one of the following:
Accept request: Click the Accept Request button
to allow the person to follow you.
Decline request: Click the Decline Request button
if you don’t want the person to follow you.
Edit your profile
In the Music app
on your Mac, click Listen Now in the sidebar on the left.
Click the My Account button (looks like a photo or monogram) in the top-right corner of the window, then click Edit.
Do any of the following:
Share music with specific people or everyone: Under the Choose Who Can Follow Your Activity area, choose to share with only People You Approve or Everyone.
For additional privacy settings, see Share the music you’re listening to.
Share your playlists: Under Shared Playlists, select the circle in the bottom-right corner. A tick means that the playlist appears in your followers’ profiles as shared by you.
Remove your profile
In the Music app
on your Mac, click Listen Now in the sidebar on the left.
Click the My Account button (looks like a photo or monogram) in the top-right corner of the window, then click Edit.
Click Delete Profile, then click Delete Profile again to confirm.
After you delete your profile, your profile and playlists no longer appear in searches and your followers no longer see you or your music in their profiles. If you create your profile again within 90 days, your previous information and followers will be restored.