Ways to quickly see items in the Finder on Mac
If you use a particular file, folder or app frequently, there are several ways to see and open the item faster.
Group items
When grouping items by name, you can keep folders (in alphabetical order) at the top of the list; you can also click the Group button , then choose an option. For example, to sort according to folders or files you used recently, choose Date Last Opened. See Sort and arrange items in the Finder.
Put an item in the Finder sidebar
You can put an item in the Finder sidebar so you can get to it quickly. Adding an item to the sidebar only creates a shortcut to the item; the item isn’t moved from its original location. See Customise the Finder toolbars on Mac.
Tag files
Select the file or folder, click the Tags button (or use the Touch Bar), then enter a new tag or choose one from the list. You can also Control-click the file or folder or tap it with two fingers, then choose a tag
from the shortcut menu.
To quickly see tagged items, click a tag in the Tags section of the Finder sidebar. See Use tags to organise files.
Set up a Smart Folder
A Smart Folder automatically collects documents based on criteria you set. For example, you can set up a Smart Folder for all of your spreadsheets, or for all documents with the phrase “Paris Holiday” in the title. See Create or change a Smart Folder.
Create an alias
Select a file, folder or app, then choose File > Make Alias. You can place the alias in a convenient location and double-click it to open the item quickly. See Create and remove aliases.
Customise an item’s icon
You can create a custom icon for a file or folder to make it stand out. See Change icons for files or folders.
For other ways to quickly find and open files, folders or apps, see Open apps and documents.