How to send your AirPods Max to Apple using Express Replacement Service from the United States and Canada

Here's how to send your AirPods Max back to Apple after you've got a replacement.

Send your AirPods Max to Apple

  1. Find the name of the courier on the return delivery label.

  2. Visit the courier’s website to schedule a pick-up or find a drop-off location.

  3. Get a receipt from the courier.

  4. Check the status of your service request.

© 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries and regions. AppleCare is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries and regions. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
1. An estimate as required (section 9844 of the California Business and Professions Code) for repairs shall be given to the customer by the service dealer in writing, and the service dealer may not charge for work done or parts supplied in excess of the estimate without prior consent of the customer. Where provided in writing, the service dealer may charge a reasonable fee for services provided in determining the nature of the malfunction in preparation of a written estimate for repair. For information, contact the Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair, Department of Consumer Affairs, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA.
2. A buyer of this product in California has the right to have this product serviced or repaired during the warranty period. The warranty period will be extended for the number of whole days that the product has been out of the buyer’s hands for warranty repairs. If a defect exists within the warranty period, the warranty will not expire until the defect has been repaired.
The warranty period will also be extended if the warranty repairs have not been performed due to delays caused by circumstances beyond the control of the buyer, or if the warranty repairs did not remedy the defect and the buyer notifies the manufacturer or seller of the failure of the repairs within 60 days of them being completed.
If, after a reasonable number of attempts, the defect has not been repaired, the buyer may return this product for a replacement or a refund subject, in either case, to deduction of a reasonable charge for usage. This time extension does not affect the protections or remedies the buyer has under other law.
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