Search, filter and flag email in Mail on
There are many ways you can locate emails in Mail on You can search and filter mail in a mailbox or folder. You can also flag important emails.
Search for emails
You can search all emails within a mailbox or folder.
In Mail on, tap the folder you want to search in the Mailboxes list.
Tap above the email list, then type the text you want to find.
You can do any of the following:
Search within a field: After you type a term, choose a suggestion below the search field, such as “Sender contains” or “Subject contains”.
Enter multiple search terms: Type a term, tap Return or Enter, then type another term.
Search unread emails: Start typing the word “unread”, then choose the “Message is unread” suggestion.
Search for email from a particular time period: Start typing a date or time period, such as “2022” or “last week”, then choose a date suggestion.
To exit the search and see all your emails again, delete the text in the search field.
Filter email
In Mail on, tap the folder you want to filter in the Mailboxes list.
Tap above the email list.
You can see the current filter next to “Filtered by”.
Do one of the following:
Change the filter: Tap the current filter, then choose the filter or filters you want to use.
Stop filtering emails: Tap again.
Tip: You can also filter emails on the homepage. Tap in the lower-right corner of the tile, turn it on, then select a filter.
Flag important emails
Flagged emails are displayed with a flag icon . You can filter emails in a folder to show only those that are flagged.
In Mail on, tap Edit at the top of the email list, then tap next to the email or emails you want to flag.
Tip: You can also flag individual emails in a conversation. Tap in the bottom right-hand corner of the email, then tap Flag.
Tap Mark at the bottom of the email list, then tap “Flag [number] messages”.
You can also flag emails on the homepage. Touch and hold the email, then tap Flag.