Browse your network for an AVB device in Audio MIDI Setup on Mac
You can connect an audio video bridging (AVB) device to your Ethernet network and use the Network Device Browser in Audio MIDI Setup to browse for it. Only one computer at a time can connect to an AVB device.
Before you begin, make sure you’re connected to your Ethernet network.
In the Audio MIDI Setup app
on your Mac, choose Window > Show Network Device Browser.
In the Network Device Browser window, select the checkbox for the device you want to use.
If many devices are listed, you can sort the list or search for the device you want to use.
When you select a device, the Network Device Browser displays its capabilities, such as audio, video, and MIDI. The device is listed in the Audio Devices window, and can be set up like any other device.
To disconnect the device, deselect the checkbox in the Network Device Browser window.