Record, edit, and time correct multitrack drums in Logic Pro for Mac

Learn how to keep your drum tracks time aligned when you record and edit them, and how to use quantization to correct the timing.

Record and edit drum tracks

To make sure multitrack drums are time aligned when you record and edit them, create a group for the drum tracks, record and edit the drum tracks as a group, then flatten and merge the takes after you're done recording and editing.

Create a group

You should create a group for the drum tracks before you record the tracks, but you can do this afterward if necessary. However, you need to create the group before you start editing the drum tracks.

  1. Choose Logic Pro > Settings (or Preferences), click Advanced, then make sure Enable Complete Features is selected.

  2. In the channel strip of one of the drum tracks, click the Group slot, then choose a new group from the menu such as “Group 1: (new)”

  3. In the Group inspector that opens, click the Settings disclosure triangle, then select the Editing and Record options. If you plan on quantizing your drum tracks, choose Quantize-Locked.

    Group inspector with Settings revealed and the Editing, Record, and Quantize-Locked options selected.
  4. To rename the group, double-click the group name at the top of the Groups inspector.

  5. Open the Mixer, then Option-click the group slot of the other drum track channel strips to assign them to the new group.

    Mixer showing other drum tracks being assigned to the new group.

Record and Edit

Record the drum tracks. When you're done recording, you can edit your drum tracks. Because you selected the Editing option in the Group inspector, all your edits occur across all the drum tracks. If you recorded multiple takes, use Quick Swipe Comping to create a composite take.

Flatten and merge the take folders

When you're satisfied with your comping and editing, flatten and merge the take folders. This ensures that all tracks in the group have the same start position and the same length.

  1. On one of the tracks in the group, choose the comp you want to keep from the Take Folder pop-up menu.

    Tracks view showing a blowup of the Take Folder pop-up menu button in a region with multiple takes.
  2. Choose Flatten and Merge from the menu. All tracks in the group flatten and merge.

By merging all the regions and takes on each track to one audio file, discrepancies are less likely to appear. Also, because transient detection is file-based, you only need to go through the process of adjusting transients once for each Q-Reference track. After you've flattened and merged the drum tracks, you can correct any timing discrepancies using quantization.

Correct the timing of your drum tracks

You can use quantization to correct the timing of your drum tracks after recording, editing, and merging and flattening takes. If you want to quantize your drum tracks, choose the tracks that will be the Q-reference tracks for the group, enable Flex Mode on the tracks, then apply your timing adjustments.

Choose tracks as Q-Reference

Q-reference tracks determine quantization for the rest of the tracks in the group. For best results in most cases, choose the snare and kick drum track (or whichever tracks contain the main instruments for determining the rhythm). If you used multiple microphones on either drum, choose one track for each.

  1. In the Track Header of the Tracks area, turn off all the Q-Reference buttons on all the tracks in the group. The button is green when the Q-Reference is turned on, and gray when it is turned off.

  2. In the Group inspector, deselect the On checkbox for the new drum group to disable the drum group.

  3. Open one of the tracks you want to use as a Q-Reference in the Audio File Editor, then choose Audio File > Detect Transients.

  4. After Logic analyzes the file, check the transients in the Audio File Editor to make sure they are positioned correctly. In the Audio File Editor, you can add or remove transient markers, move incorrectly placed transients, or manually add or remove transients.

  5. Repeat these steps for any other tracks you're using as Q-Reference. You don't have to adjust the transients for the other tracks in the group. Their timing will be adjusted with sample accuracy based on the transients in the Q-Referenced tracks.

  6. Turn the drum group back on, then turn on Q-Reference buttons on the tracks whose transients you analyzed.

If you want to edit tracks in the Audio File Editor after turning on Q-Reference buttons, make sure to turn them off before editing. Transient edits won't carry over to your subsequent timing adjustments if the Q-Reference buttons are enabled.

Enable Flex Mode

  1. To enable Flex Mode on all tracks in the group, click the Flex pop-up menu in the Track Inspector for one of the Q-Reference tracks, then choose one of the Flex Modes. For drums, Slicing is usually the best choice, but you can experiment with any other option.

    Selecting Slicing from the Flex Mode pop-up menu of a drum channel.
  2. Click the Edit menu in the Tracks area menu bar, then choose Show Flex Pitch/Time.

Apply Timing Adjustments

Make your timing adjustments. For example, apply quantization to the tracks or manually insert flex markers and drag audio in the reference tracks to desired positions.

When you apply quantization, you might find that Logic Pro quantizes some transients to unexpected positions. For example, if you choose a quantize value of 1/8 note, a transient in between grid positions like a 1/16 note is moved to the nearest 1/8 note in places where there is no transient on the 1/8 note grid. You can prevent this by setting an appropriate Q-Range value in the Region inspector:

  1. Select one of the tracks in the group.

  2. In the Region inspector for the track, click the More disclosure triangle.

  3. Click the up/down arrows to the right of the Q-Range parameter.

  4. Choose a relatively short value such as 1/24 or 1/32. Experiment until you get the result you want.

Q-Range limits quantization to transients that fall within the value you choose. For example, if you choose 1/32, then any transient farther away than 1/32 note from the quantization grid you choose will not be quantized.

You can use negative Q-Range values to move transients that fall outside the quantize value you've chosen. This can help maintain a natural feel of the performance, while also quantizing transients that fall outside the selected range.

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