Arrange tabs in Safari on Mac
When you have one or more tabs open in a single Safari window, you can rearrange them for convenience and easy access.
Move one tab
Go to the Safari app
on your Mac.
Drag the tab to a new position in the tab bar, sidebar, or another window.
If there are more tabs than are visible in the tab bar, and you have a trackpad or mouse that supports gestures, swipe left or right over the tab bar to scroll through your tabs.
You can also press Command-1 through Command-9 to select one of your first nine tabs. To allow this, choose Safari > Settings, click Tabs, then turn on the option. See Change Tabs settings.
Move multiple tabs
Go to the Safari app
on your Mac.
Click a tab to select it, then do one of the following:
Command-click other tabs to select them.
Shift-click another tab to select all tabs in between.
Do one of the following:
Drag the tabs to a new position in the tab bar, sidebar, or another window.
Control-click the tabs, then choose an action from the pop-up menu.
Tip: You can convert all open Safari windows to tabs in a single window. Choose Window > Merge All Windows.