Add and remove headers and footers in Pages on iPad
You can add text, images, and page numbers to headers and footers, then set where you want them to appear in your document.
Note: Before you begin, find out whether you’re working in a word-processing or page layout document. There are some differences in how you format headers and footers for each type of document.
Add headers and footers
Tap in the corner of any page in the document (so nothing is selected), then tap
To make it easier to tap without accidentally selecting text or an object, zoom the page with two fingers, or tap the page thumbnail in Page Thumbnails view.
Note: If your document has multiple sections (for example, different chapters in a book), and you intend to use different headers or footers for each one, tap the corner of a page in the section you’re adding this header or footer to; otherwise, you can add the header or footer to any page.
Tap the Document tab, then turn on Headers or Footers (or both).
Tap Document Setup at the bottom of the controls.
In Document Setup, tap in any of the three fields for the header or footer (you can use any combination of the fields).
Do any of the following:
Add text: Type the header or footer text, or select text that you want to edit.
Add page numbers: Tap the field again, tap Page Numbers, then tap a number format.
Add an image: Tap Paste. You must have already copied an image to the Clipboard to see Paste.
Add an equation: Tap
in the shortcut bar above the keyboard, then tap Equation and enter your equation. When you’re finished, tap Insert to add it to the text field.
Delete text: Select the text, then tap Delete, or tap
Change the look of text: Select the text, then tap
or use the controls in the shortcut bar to change the font, font size, color, and spacing.
To set the distance from the top and bottom edge of the page, drag the arrows above the header and below the footer to adjust the spacing.
You may also need to drag the arrows for the document to get the spacing you want. If you have trouble selecting the arrows, spread two fingers on the view to zoom it.
Tap Done in the top-left corner to return to the document.
Show or hide headers and footers in a word-processing document
You can use the same headers and footers throughout your document or create different headers and footers for some pages.
Tap in the corner of any page in the document (so nothing is selected), then tap
To make it easier to tap without accidentally selecting text or an object, zoom the page with two fingers, or tap the page thumbnail in Page Thumbnails view.
Note: If your document has multiple sections (for example, different chapters in a book), and you intend to use different headers or footers for each one, tap the corner of a page in the section you’re adding this header or footer to; otherwise, you can add the header or footer to any page.
To turn headers on or off for the entire document, tap the Document tab and turn Headers or Footers on or off.
To set where headers and footers appear in the document, tap the Section tab, then choose any of the following:
Hide on First Page: Hide the header or footer on the first page. If the document has more than one section, it applies only to the first page of this section.
Left and Right Are Different: When this is turned on in a document using facing pages, the headers and footers on left and right pages can be different. See Set up facing pages.
Match Previous Section: Use the same headers and footers from one section to the next. Turn this setting off if you want to use different headers and footers for this section. Then check the sections that follow it to make any adjustments to their settings.
If your document uses facing pages and you want to enter different information on left and right pages, tap the Section tab, then turn on Left and Right Are Different.
Show or hide headers and footers in a page layout document
You can use the same headers and footers throughout your document or create different headers and footers for some pages.
Tap in the corner of any page in the document (so nothing is selected), then tap
To make it easier to tap without accidentally selecting text or an object, zoom the page with two fingers, or tap the page thumbnail in Page Thumbnails view.
To turn headers on or off for the entire document, tap the Document tab and turn Headers or Footers on or off.
To set where headers and footers appear in the document, tap the Page Layout tab, then choose options:
Show Header and Footer: Turn this setting on or off to show or hide the header and footer on this page.
Match Previous Page: Use the same headers and footers from one page to the next. Turn this setting off if you want to use different headers and footers for this page.
If your document uses facing pages and you want to enter different information on left and right pages, tap the Document tab, then turn on Left and Right Are Different.
Hide all headers or footers in the document
Tap in the corner of any page in the document (so nothing is selected), then tap
To make it easier to tap without accidentally selecting text or an object, zoom the page with two fingers, or tap the page thumbnail in Page Thumbnails view.
Tap the Document tab, then turn off Headers and Footers.
Add an image to a header or footer
Tap in the corner of any page in the document (so nothing is selected), then tap
To make it easier to tap without accidentally selecting text or an object, zoom the page with two fingers, or tap the page thumbnail in Page Thumbnails view.
Tap the Document tab, then tap Document Setup.
If the controls don’t have Section and Document tabs, make sure nothing is selected on the page (you can zoom the page and tap in the corner), then try again.
In Document Setup, tap anywhere in a header or footer field, then tap
Tap Photo or Video; to insert an image from iCloud or another service, tap “Insert from.”
Navigate to the image, then tap it.
Drag the selection handles on the image to resize it.
Tap Done to close Document Setup.
You can also copy and paste an image into the header or footer field in Document Setup.
Tip: If the document already has headers or footers, you can tap one to quickly open Document Setup.