Add and delete pages in Pages for iCloud
In word-processing documents, new pages are added automatically as your typing reaches the end of a page. You can also add new pages manually. In page layout documents, you can only add pages manually.
To determine which type of document you have, see word-processing and page layout documents.
Add a page manually
Click to place the insertion point just before where you want the new page.
Do one of the following:
In a word-processing document: Click the Insert button
in the toolbar, then choose Page Break.
In a page layout document: Click the Add Page button
in the toolbar. If you see a popover with page layout options, choose the one that most resembles the layout you want.
Delete a page
Do one of the following:
In a word-processing document: Select all the text on the page, then press Delete. If there’s a blank page (at the end of your document, for example), click to place the insertion point at the bottom of the blank page, then keep pressing Delete until the page disappears.
In a page layout document: On a Mac, press and hold the Control key, click the background of the page you want to delete, then choose Delete Page from the menu that appears. On a Windows computer, right-click the page you want to delete, then choose Delete Page.
Note: If the Delete Page menu item is dimmed and can’t be selected, you may have selected an object on the page instead of the background. Zoom out on the page to see what’s selected, or move objects so you can click the background.