Change Family Sharing settings
If you set up Family Sharing, you’re the family organizer. You can add family members, resend invitations to others to join the family, change the Apple ID used for family purchases, select the services that family members can use, and remove family members. You can also stop Family Sharing and disband the family group.
If you’re a family member but not the organizer, you can change your Family Sharing settings; see Share purchases with others in your Family Sharing group and Stop sharing your location with others in your Family Sharing group. If you don’t have a family group, see Set up Family Sharing.
For information about managing Family Sharing settings using an iOS device, see the Apple Support article Set up Family Sharing.
Add family members
The family organizer can add up to five family members.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, then click iCloud.
Click Manage Family, click the Add button
, then do one of the following:
Add someone who has an Apple ID: Enter the name or email address of someone you want to join the family, click Continue, then follow the onscreen instructions. The person you add must already have an Apple ID used to sign in to iCloud.
If the person you’re adding is nearby, they can simply enter their Apple ID and password. Otherwise, you can email the person an invitation to join.
Create a child account: Select “Create an Apple ID for a child who doesn’t have an account,” click Continue, then follow the onscreen instructions.
To comply with child online privacy protection laws, you use the CVV, a verification code sent via SMS, or the security code from your payment method as part of providing your parental consent. If you have a different payment method on file, you’ll be asked to change it to a credit card, debit card, or Union Pay before you can continue.
Purchases made by new family members are available to the family after the new members confirm the Apple IDs they use to share iTunes Store, App Store, and Apple Books purchases. Each family member can do this in iCloud preferences on a Mac or in Settings > iCloud on an iOS device.
Tip: As the family organizer, you can resend an email invitation to someone who hasn’t accepted the invitation yet. In iCloud preferences, click Manage Family, select the family member on the left, then click Resend Invitation on the right.
Change the shared credit card
As the family organizer, you can change the credit card shared by all family members.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, then click iCloud.
Click Account Details, click Payment, then do one of the following:
One payment method shown: Click Details, then change the credit card information and billing address for your primary payment method.
Two payment methods shown: Use iTunes to change the credit card information and billing address for the Apple ID you use to share purchases with your family. For instructions, see Set up and manage your iTunes Store account in the iTunes User Guide.
The primary payment method is always shown. A second payment method, Family Sharing, doesn’t appear if you’re the family organizer and the Apple ID you use to sign in to iCloud is the same as the Apple ID you use for purchases you share with your family. In this case, family members share your primary payment method for Family Sharing purchases. For information about using a different Apple ID, see Share purchases with others in your Family Sharing group.
Remove family members
As the family organizer, you can remove people from the family group. After you remove someone from the family, that person may be able to join or set up another family. However, each person may only join two families per year. (Rejoining a family or creating a new one counts against this limit.)
Children under 13 can’t be removed from a family (age varies by country or region). However, you can move a child to another group using Family Sharing.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, then click iCloud.
Click Manage Family, select the family member on the left, then click the Remove button
The person you remove from the family keeps purchases paid for using the shared credit card, but immediately loses access to other things the family shares.
Other family members’ items no longer appear in the Purchased section of the iTunes Store, the App Store, and Apple Books.
DRM-protected music, movies, TV shows, books, and apps the family member previously downloaded are no longer usable if someone else originally purchased them. Other family members can no longer use DRM-protected content downloaded from the former member’s collection.
In-app purchases become unavailable if the family member bought them using an app someone else originally purchased. The family member can regain access to the in-app purchases by purchasing the app.
The family members’ photos album, calendar, and reminder list are removed from the family member’s devices.
Family members’ device locations don’t appear when the family member uses Find My iPhone on iCloud.com or on iOS devices.
Change the services your family shares
As the family organizer, you can add, change, or stop the services that your family uses.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, then click iCloud.
Click Manage Family.
Click My Apps & Services, then do any of the following:
Apple Music: All family members are automatically subscribed or unsubscribed when you change your family membership subscription status.
iCloud Storage: Buy a 200 GB or 2 TB iCloud storage plan and your family members can share it with you. Family members can also choose to keep their own individual storage plans if they prefer. If you stop sharing iCloud storage, family members are given a grace period to continue using the shared storage after which they need to purchase a storage plan of their own.
Purchase Sharing: Click Purchase Sharing to enable or disable purchase sharing for your family, change your payment method, or adjust other settings.
Location Sharing: Click Location Sharing, then select or deselect the family members that you want to share your location with. If you haven’t set up Location Sharing, click Learn More to learn how to set it up on all your devices.
Click Done.
When you set up Family Sharing, a family photo album, a calendar, and a reminders list are provided for the subscribed family members to use. As the family organizer, you can delete these shared items so they aren’t available to family members.
Stop Family Sharing
As the family organizer, you can stop Family Sharing and disband the family group by removing yourself from it. Afterward, each person who was in your family may be able to join or set up another family. However, each person may only join two families per year. (Rejoining a family or creating a new one counts against this limit.)
If your family includes children under 13 (age varies by country or region), you must transfer them to a different family group before you can stop Family Sharing.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, then click iCloud.
Click Manage Family, select your name on the left, then click the Remove button
If you stop Family Sharing, members keep purchases paid for using the shared credit card, but immediately lose access to other things the family shares.
Other family members’ items no longer appear in the Purchased section of the iTunes Store, the App Store, and Apple Books.
DRM-protected music, movies, TV shows, books, and apps originally purchased by one family member and downloaded by others can be used only by the original purchaser.
In-app purchases become unavailable if they were made using an app originally purchased by someone else. Former family members can regain access to their in-app purchases by purchasing the app.
The family members’ photos album, calendar, and reminder list are removed from all family devices.
Family members’ device locations no longer appear in Find My iPhone on iCloud.com or on iOS devices.