If your iPhone or iPad warns you that a third-party app contains malware and cannot be opened
If your iPhone or iPad displays an alert that an app contains malware and cannot be opened, delete the app from your device.
Your iPhone and iPad regularly check installed third-party apps against a list of known malware identified by Apple. If an app contains malware, your device prevents you from opening it and displays an alert recommending that you delete it.
If you'd like to open the app despite the risk, you can choose to re-enable it in Settings. Using an app that displays a malware alert could harm your device or compromise your privacy.
Delete an app that displays a malware alert
If your iPhone or iPad displays an alert that an app contains malware and cannot be opened, you should delete the app. Tap Delete App right from the alert.

You can also delete the app directly from your Home Screen or App Library
Get more information
You can go to Settings for more information about the specific alert.
Open the Settings app.
Tap to choose the specific app and view more information about the alert.
After you review the information, you can tap Delete App to delete the app from your device. If a new version of the app is available, you may see the option to update to or install that new version.
If you need to use the app temporarily
If you would like to open the app despite the risk, you can re-enable it in Settings. Using an app that displays a malware alert could harm your device or compromise your privacy.
Open the Settings app.
Tap to choose the specific app to view more information about the alert.
Tap Re-Enable App.
Tap Re-Enable App again to confirm that you want to use the app despite the warning.