OS X: Fonts included with Mountain Lion
Learn about the fonts included with OS X Mountain Lion.
Fonts included with OS X Mountain Lion are installed in one of these folders:
The number of fonts installed by the OS X Installer depends on which packages you selected (see the package details below) when you installed Mountain Lion. If you customized your installation, you may not have all of the fonts listed below. If you installed Mountain Lion over a previous version of Mac OS X, you may have additional fonts installed.
About turning fonts on or off
You can turn a font on or off using Font Book to customize what fonts appear in an application's font menu, or in the Font panel. With the exception of System fonts, you don't normally need to worry about which Mountain Lion fonts you turn off or remove.
Note: /System/Library/Fonts should never be disabled because they are used by the operating system, and other integral applications.
If you are considering disabling OS X fonts, consider that some fonts that you can turn off (disable) may be required by specific applications. To help determine which applications may be affected by disabling a Mountain Lion font, review the tables at the bottom of this article:
Web content
iWork and iLife
Other Apple applications
Font files included with OS X Mountain Lion
Font name | Version |
AlBayan.ttf | 7.0d2e1 |
AlBayanBold.ttf | 7.0d2e1 |
AmericanTypewriter.ttc | 7.1d1e1 |
Andale Mono.ttf | 2.00x |
Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot.ttf | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot.ttf | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot.ttf | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot.ttf | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Braille.ttf | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Chancery.ttf | 6.1d4e1 |
Apple Color Emoji.ttf | 8.0d7e1 |
Apple LiGothic Medium.ttf | 6.1d3e1 |
Apple LiSung Light.ttf | 6.1d1e2 |
Apple Symbols.ttf | 8.0d2e1 |
AppleGothic.ttf | 7.0d5e1 |
AppleMyungjo.ttf | 7.0d2e6 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Bold.otf | 8.0d9e1 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-ExtraBold.otf | 8.0d9e1 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Heavy.otf | 8.0d9e1 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Light.otf | 8.0d9e1 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Medium.otf | 8.0d9e1 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular.otf | 8.0d9e1 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-SemiBold.otf | 8.0d9e1 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Thin.otf | 8.0d9e1 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-UltraLight.otf | 8.0d9e1 |
AquaKana.ttc | 7.1d1e1 |
Arial Black.ttf | 5.00.1x |
Arial Bold Italic.ttf | 5.00.2x |
Arial Bold.ttf | 5.01.2x |
Arial Italic.ttf | 5.00.2x |
Arial Narrow Bold Italic.ttf | 2.38.1x |
Arial Narrow Bold.ttf | 2.38.1x |
Arial Narrow Italic.ttf | 2.38.1x |
Arial Narrow.ttf | 2.38.1x |
Arial Rounded Bold.ttf | 1.51x |
Arial Unicode.ttf | 1.01x |
Arial.ttf | 5.01.2x |
ArialHB.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
ArialHBBold.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | 8.0d2e1 |
Avenir Next.ttc | 8.0d2e1 |
Avenir.ttc | 8.0d3e1 |
Ayuthaya.ttf | 10.8d2e1 |
Baghdad.ttf | 7.0d1e1 |
Bangla MN.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
Bangla Sangam MN.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
Baskerville.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
BiauKai.ttf | 6.1d3e1 |
BigCaslon.ttf | 6.1d4e1 |
Brush Script.ttf | 1.52x-1 |
Chalkboard.ttc | 6.0d2e2 |
ChalkboardSE.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
Chalkduster.ttf | 7.0d6e1 |
CharcoalCY.dfont | 6.1d5e1 |
Cochin.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf | 5.00x |
Comic Sans MS.ttf | 5.00x |
Copperplate.ttc | 7.0d1e2 |
Corsiva.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
CorsivaBold.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
Courier New Bold Italic.ttf | 5.00x |
Courier New Bold.ttf | 5.00.2x |
Courier New Italic.ttf | 5.00.1x |
Courier New.ttf | 5.00.2x |
Courier.dfont | 7.0d2e1 |
Damascus.ttc | 7.0d2e1 |
DecoTypeNaskh.ttf | 7.0d1e1 |
Devanagari Sangam MN.ttc | 7.0d10e1 |
DevanagariMT.ttf | 6.0d4e1 |
DevanagariMTBold.ttf | 6.0d4e1 |
Didot.ttc | 6.1d4e1 |
EuphemiaCAS.ttc | 6.1d4e1 |
Futura.ttc | 6.2d2e1 |
Geeza Pro Bold.ttf | 7.0d8e1 |
Geeza Pro.ttf | 7.0d4e1 |
Geneva.dfont | 7.0d1e2 |
GenevaCY.dfont | 6.1d5e1 |
Georgia Bold Italic.ttf | 5.00x-4 |
Georgia Bold.ttf | 5.00x-4 |
Georgia Italic.ttf | 5.00x-4 |
Georgia.ttf | 5.00x-4 |
GillSans.ttc | 8.0d2e1 |
Gujarati Sangam MN.ttc | 7.0d3e1 |
GujaratiMT.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
GujaratiMTBold.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
Gungseouche.ttf | 7.0d2e1 |
Gurmukhi MN.ttc | 7.0d3e1 |
Gurmukhi Sangam MN.ttc | 7.0d3e1 |
Gurmukhi.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
HeadlineA.ttf | 6.1d5e1 |
Hei.ttf | 6.1d3e1 |
HelveLTMM | 1.006 |
Helvetica LT MM | 1.006 |
Helvetica.dfont | 8.0d3e1 |
HelveticaCY.dfont | 6.1d5e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | 8.0d6e1 |
HelveticaNeueDeskUI.ttc | 8.0d7e1 |
Herculanum.ttf | 6.1d4e1 |
Hiragino Sans GB W3.otf | 3.10 |
Hiragino Sans GB W6.otf | 3.10 |
Hoefler Text Ornaments.ttf | 8.0d2e1 |
Hoefler Text.ttc | 8.0d2e1 |
Impact.ttf | 5.00x |
InaiMathi.ttf | 7.0d1e1 |
Kai.ttf | 6.1d1e1 |
Kailasa.ttf | 7.0d2e4 |
Kannada MN.ttc | 7.0d4e2 |
Kannada Sangam MN.ttc | 7.0d4e2 |
Kefa.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
Keyboard.ttf | 8.0d1e4 |
Khmer MN.ttc | 7.0d2e1 |
Khmer Sangam MN.ttf | 8.0d1e1 |
Kokonor.ttf | 7.0d1e2 |
Krungthep.ttf | 10.8d2e1 |
KufiStandardGK.ttf | 7.0d1e1 |
Lao MN.ttc | 7.0d2e1 |
Lao Sangam MN.ttf | 7.0d2e1 |
LastResort.ttf | 6.1d6e2 (Unicode 5.1.0) |
LucidaGrande.ttc | 8.0d2e1 |
Malayalam MN.ttc | 7.0d4e1 |
Malayalam Sangam MN.ttc | 7.0d4e1 |
Marion.ttc | 8.0d2e1 |
MarkerFelt.ttc | 7.0d7e1 |
Menlo.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
Microsoft Sans Serif.ttf | 5.00.1x |
Monaco.dfont | 7.0d1e1 |
MshtakanBold.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
MshtakanBoldOblique.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
MshtakanOblique.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
MshtakanRegular.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
Myanmar MN.ttc | 7.0d3e1 |
Myanmar Sangam MN.ttf | 7.0d2e1 |
NISC18030.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
Nadeem.ttf | 7.0d1e1 |
NanumGothic.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
NanumMyeongjo.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
NanumScript.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
NewPeninimMT.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
NewPeninimMTBold.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
NewPeninimMTBoldInclined.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
NewPeninimMTInclined.ttf | 6.0d2e1 |
Noteworthy.ttc | 8.0d3e1 |
Optima.ttc | 6.1d4e1 |
Oriya MN.ttc | 7.0d5e1 |
Oriya Sangam MN.ttc | 7.0d5e1 |
Osaka.ttf | 6.1d3e1 |
OsakaMono.ttf | 6.1d3e1 |
PCmyoungjo.ttf | 7.0d1e3 |
PTSans.ttc | 7.0d1e1 |
Palatino.ttc | 7.0d4e6 |
Papyrus.ttc | 6.1d10e2 |
Pilgiche.ttf | 6.1d5e1 |
PlantagenetCherokee.ttf | 7.0d1e1 |
Raanana.ttf | 8.0d1e1 |
RaananaBold.ttf | 8.0d1e1 |
STHeiti Light.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
STHeiti Medium.ttc | 8.0d1e1 |
STIXGeneral.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXGeneralBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXGeneralBolIta.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXGeneralItalic.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntDBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntDReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntSmBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntSmReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpDBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpDReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpSmBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpSmReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXNonUni.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXNonUniBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXNonUniBolIta.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXNonUniIta.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXSizFiveSymReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXSizFourSymBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXSizFourSymReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXSizOneSymBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXSizOneSymReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXSizThreeSymBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXSizThreeSymReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXSizTwoSymBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXSizTwoSymReg.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXVar.otf | 1.1.0 |
STIXVarBol.otf | 1.1.0 |
Sathu.ttf | 10.8d2e1 |
Silom.ttf | 10.8d2e1 |
Sinhala MN.ttc | 7.0d7e2 |
Sinhala Sangam MN.ttc | 7.0d7e2 |
Skia.ttf | 6.1d3e1 |
Symbol.ttf | 6.1d7e3 |
Tahoma Bold.ttf | 5.01.1x |
Tahoma.ttf | 5.01.2x |
Tamil MN.ttc | 7.0d3e1 |
Tamil Sangam MN.ttc | 7.0d2e1 |
Telugu MN.ttc | 7.0d5e2 |
Telugu Sangam MN.ttc | 7.0d5e2 |
Thonburi.ttf | 10.8d3e3 |
ThonburiBold.ttf | 10.8d3e3 |
Times LT MM | 1.006 |
Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf | 5.00.3x |
Times New Roman Bold.ttf | 5.01.3x |
Times New Roman Italic.ttf | 5.00.3x |
Times New Roman.ttf | 5.01.3x |
Times.dfont | 7.0d1e1 |
TimesLTMM | 1.006 |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic.ttf | 5.00x |
Trebuchet MS Bold.ttf | 5.00x |
Trebuchet MS Italic.ttf | 5.00x |
Trebuchet MS.ttf | 5.00x |
Verdana Bold Italic.ttf | 5.01x |
Verdana Bold.ttf | 5.01x |
Verdana Italic.ttf | 5.01x |
Verdana.ttf | 5.01x |
Webdings.ttf | 5.00x |
Wingdings 2.ttf | 1.55x |
Wingdings 3.ttf | 1.55x |
Wingdings.ttf | 5.00x |
ZapfDingbats.ttf | 6.1d3e1 |
Zapfino.ttf | 8.0d1e1 |
ヒラギノ丸ゴ Pro W4.otf | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ丸ゴ ProN W4.otf | 8.10 |
ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3.otf | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W6.otf | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W3.otf | 8.10 |
ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W6.otf | 8.10 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3.otf | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6.otf | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3.otf | 8.10 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W6.otf | 8.10 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ Std W8.otf | 7.1 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ StdN W8.otf | 8.10 |
儷宋 Pro.ttf | 6.0d4e1 |
儷黑 Pro.ttf | 6.0d4e1 |
华文仿宋.ttf | 8.0d5e1 |
华文细黑.ttf | 6.1d4e1 |
华文黑体.ttf | 6.1d2e1 |
宋体.ttc | 8.0d1e3 |
楷体.ttc | 8.0d1e2 |
雅痞-简.otf | 1.0d1e2 |
雅痞-繁.otf | 8.0d1e1 |
Learn more
Disabling the fonts listed below may affect the applications that use them
Disabling the following fonts will have an effect on web content |
Apple Chancery.dfont |
Andale Mono.ttf |
Arial Black.ttf |
Arial Bold Italic.ttf |
Arial Bold.ttf |
Arial Italic.ttf |
Arial Narrow Bold Italic.ttf |
Arial Narrow Bold.ttf |
Arial Narrow Italic.ttf |
Arial Narrow.ttf |
Arial Rounded Bold.ttf |
Arial Unicode.ttf |
Arial.ttf |
Brush Script.ttf |
Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf |
Comic Sans MS.ttf |
Courier New Bold Italic.ttf |
Courier New Bold.ttf |
Courier New Italic.ttf |
Courier New.ttf |
Georgia Bold Italic.ttf |
Georgia Bold.ttf |
Georgia Italic.ttf |
Georgia.ttf |
Impact.ttf |
Tahoma Bold.ttf |
Tahoma.ttf |
Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf |
Times New Roman Bold.ttf |
Times New Roman Italic.ttf |
Times New Roman.ttf |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic.ttf |
Trebuchet MS Bold.ttf |
Trebuchet MS Italic.ttf |
Trebuchet MS.ttf |
Verdana Bold Italic.ttf |
Verdana Bold.ttf |
Verdana Italic.ttf |
Verdana.ttf |
Webdings.ttf |
Wingdings 2.ttf |
Wingdings 3.ttf |
Wingdings.ttf |
Disabling the following fonts will affect iWork and iLife |
AmericanTypewriter.dfont |
Baskerville.dfont |
BigCaslon.dfont |
Chalkboard.ttf |
ChalkboardBold.ttf |
Cochin.dfont |
Copperplate.dfont |
Didot.dfont |
Futura.dfont |
GillSans.dfont |
Herculanum.dfont |
Hoefler Text.dfont |
MarkerFelt.dfont |
Optima.dfont |
Papyrus.dfont |
Disabling the following fonts will affect the OS ability to display certain languages |
ArialHB.ttf |
ArialHBBold.ttf |
DevanagariMT.ttf |
DevanagariMTBold.ttf |
EuphemiaCASBold.ttf |
EuphemiaCASItalic.ttf |
EuphemiaCASRegular.ttf |
GujaratiMT.ttf |
GujaratiMTBold.ttf |
Gurmukhi.ttf |
InaiMathi.ttf |
Kailasa.ttf |
Disabling the following fonts may affect language support for certain apps |
Gungseouche.dfont |
HeadlineA.dfont |
PCmyoungjo.dfont |
Pilgiche.dfont |
AlBayan.ttf |
AlBayanBold.ttf |
Apple LiGothic Medium.dfont |
Apple LiSung Light.dfont |
AppleMyungjo.ttf |
Ayuthaya.ttf |
Baghdad.ttf |
BiauKai.dfont |
Corsiva.ttf |
CorsivaBold.ttf |
DecoTypeNaskh.ttf |
GenevaCY.dfont |
Hei.dfont |
HelveticaCY.dfont |
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3.otf |
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W6.otf |
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std W8.otf |
Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN W8.otf |
Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro W4.otf |
Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN W4.otf |
Hiragino Mincho Pro W3.otf |
Hiragino Mincho Pro W6.otf |
Kai.dfont |
Kokonor.ttf |
Krungthep.ttf |
KufiStandardGK.ttf |
LiSong Pro.ttf |
MshtakanBold.ttf |
MshtakanBoldOblique.ttf |
MshtakanOblique.ttf |
MshtakanRegular.ttf |
Nadeem.ttf |
NewPeninimMT.ttf |
NewPeninimMTBold.ttf |
NewPeninimMTBoldInclined.ttf |
NewPeninimMTInclined.ttf |
NISC18030.ttf |
Osaka.dfont |
OsakaMono.dfont |
PlantagenetCherokee.ttf |
Raanana.ttf |
RaananaBold.ttf |
Sathu.ttf |
Silom.ttf |
STFangsong.ttf |
STKaiti.ttf |
STSong.ttf |
Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information.