Monitor children’s computer usage
If you set parental controls for a user, you can view logs to monitor the user’s app and Internet activities.
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Parental Controls.
Click the lock icon
to unlock it, then enter an administrator name and password (or if your Mac has a Touch Bar, use Touch ID).
Select a user in the list of users.
Click Logs.
Click the “Show activity for” pop-up menu, then choose the period of time for which you want to view logs.
Do any of the following:
Click Applications to see a list (sorted from most-used to least-used) and a corresponding interactive pie chart, showing the percentage of time spent in each.
Click Web to see a list of websites (sorted from most-used to least-used) and a corresponding interactive pie chart, showing the percentage of time spent at each website.
Do any of the following:
In the Applications view, click the disclosure triangle to view times, dates, and durations.
In the Web view, click the disclosure triangle next to a website name to view a list of specific webpages. Click the disclosure triangle next to a webpage name to see the times and dates for visits to that webpage.
To block the child from using an app or viewing a website, select the entry, then click Restrict. To unblock the app or website, click Allow.
Click Open to open a selected app or view a selected website.
To clear the history for either the Applications view or the Web view, click Clear Log.