Publish or unpublish calendars on Mac
If your calendar list has an On My Mac section, you can publish a calendar in that section on a WebDAV server you have access to. Other people can subscribe to your published calendar or view it in a web browser. At any time, you can stop publishing a calendar without deleting it from your Mac.
If your calendar doesn’t have an On My Mac section, all your calendars are in calendar accounts, such as iCloud. You can share a calendar that’s in an iCloud or CalDAV account.
Publish a calendar or calendar group
Go to the Calendar app
on your Mac.
Choose View > Show Calendar List, then click a calendar below On My Mac.
If On My Mac isn’t listed, your calendars are in an account, such as iCloud. To add On My Mac, choose File > New Calendar > On My Mac.
If you select a calendar group, all event information is published in one calendar.
Choose Edit > Publish, then enter a name in the “Publish calendar as” field.
This action doesn’t change the name in your calendar list.
Enter the web address for the server and the login name and password, if necessary.
To have changes to your calendar automatically copied to the published version, select “Publish changes automatically.”
To control what information is published, select or deselect the other checkboxes.
Click Publish.
A published calendar has a Share Calendar button
next to its name.
People can use Calendar to subscribe to your published calendar or they can view the calendar at its web address. Published calendars can’t be changed by anyone who views them or subscribes to them. See Subscribe to calendars.
Send others your published calendar information
Go to the Calendar app
on your Mac.
Click the name of the calendar or calendar group in the calendar list.
If you don’t see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.
A published calendar has a Share Calendar button
next to its name.
Choose Edit > Send Publication Email.
The email includes information about where to view your calendar on the web and what URL to use to subscribe to your calendar.
Send the email to anyone you want.
Change what appears in a published calendar
Go to the Calendar app
on your Mac.
Click the name of the calendar or calendar group in the calendar list.
If you don’t see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.
A published calendar has a Share Calendar button
next to its name.
Select items to publish, or deselect items you don’t want to publish.
Unpublish a calendar
Unpublished calendars aren’t deleted from your Mac.
Go to the Calendar app
on your Mac.
Click the name of the calendar or calendar group in the calendar list.
If you don’t see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.
A published calendar has a Share Calendar button
next to its name.
Choose Edit > Stop Publishing.
After you unpublish a calendar, new users won’t be able to subscribe to it. Users who already subscribed to it see the last published copy until they delete it.