Share iCloud calendars on Mac
If you set up iCloud on your Mac, you can use Calendar to manage your shared iCloud calendars.
Share a calendar
In the Calendar app
on your Mac, place the pointer over the calendar’s name in the calendar list, then click the Share Calendar button
If you don’t see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.
Click Share With, then enter the names or email addresses of people you want to invite to share your calendar.
You can also enter the name of a list in Contacts to invite all the list members.
If you don’t see Share With, click below the last name or email address in the Shared With list. If you see a Shared By [name] list instead of a Shared With list, only the person named can add people.
To keep someone from making changes to your shared calendar, place the pointer over the person’s name or email address in the Shared With list, click the down arrow
, then choose View Only.
To let anyone view your calendar — including people not listed in the Shared With list — select Public Calendar.
To send people a link to subscribe to your public calendar, click the Share button
, then choose how you want to send the link.
People who subscribe to your public calendar can view it, but can’t change it. Only people listed in the Share With field who have view and edit privileges can make changes.
Click Done.
People you added to the Shared With list are sent an invitation (a notification and an email) to join the shared calendar.
Resend a shared calendar invitation
In the Calendar app
on your Mac, place the pointer over the calendar’s name in the calendar list, then click the Share Calendar button
If you don’t see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.
Click Shared With.
Place the pointer over the person’s name or email address in the Shared With list, click the down arrow
, then choose Invite Again.
Click Done.
Stop sharing a calendar
In the Calendar app on your Mac, do any of the following:
Stop sharing your calendar with specific people: Place the pointer over the calendar’s name in the calendar list, then click the Share Calendar button
. Click a person’s name, then press Delete.
Stop sharing your calendar with everyone: Control-click the calendar in the calendar list, then choose Stop Sharing.
Stop subscribing to someone else’s calendar: Control-click the calendar in the calendar list, then choose Unsubscribe.
When unsubscribing from a calendar, you can also report it as junk. Reporting junk helps Calendar better identify junk subscriptions.
If you don’t see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.
If you receive an invitation to join an iCloud shared calendar, you can accept the invitation on your Mac or your iOS or iPadOS device set up for the same iCloud account, or on iCloud Calendar on iCloud.com.
If you share an iCloud calendar or join someone else’s shared iCloud calendar, you may receive email whenever the shared calendar is updated. You can stop receiving these emails by changing a setting in Calendar settings on iCloud.com. See Receive updates to shared calendars on iCloud.com.