Send and receive messages on Apple Vision Pro
Use the Messages app to send and receive texts, photos, videos and audio messages.

Send and reply to a message
You can send a text message to one or more people to start a conversation. You can also reply inline in group or individual conversations to improve clarity and help keep the conversation organised.
Go to the Messages app
on your Apple Vision Pro.
at the top of the window to start a new message, then enter the phone number or name of each recipient, or tap an existing message.To respond to a specific message, pinch and hold the message, then tap
, or choose a Tapback expression (a thumbs-up or a heart, for example).Tap the text field and type your message. If you want to add other items to your message, like a photo or video, tap
, then tap one of the options, likeor
Tip: To dictate your message, look at
in the text field, then start speaking.Tap
on the keyboard or next to the text field.
To view conversation details, tap the name or phone number at the top of the window. You can tap Info to edit the person’s contact information, share your location, view attachments, leave a group conversation and more.
Use Siri to send and receive messages
Siri can read your incoming messages out loud to you, and you can speak a reply for Siri to send. Find out what Siri can do on Apple Vision Pro.
Siri: Say something like:
“Send a message to them saying how about tomorrow” (while looking at a message or contact)
“Read my last message from Bob”
You can set up Siri to automatically send a message after it has been read back to you. If you want to skip the confirmation step when sending messages, go to Settings
Have a group conversation
When you’re exchanging messages with two or more other people in a group conversation, you can set the name and image of the group, add more people or leave the group.

Go to the Messages app
on your Apple Vision Pro.
Tap the conversation you want to make changes to, then tap the group name at the top of the conversation.
Do any of the following:
Change the name or image of the group: Tap Change Name and Photo.
Add someone to the group conversation: Tap Add Contact.
Leave the group conversation: Tap Leave this Conversation.
Remove someone from the group conversation: Swipe left on their name, then tap Remove.
You can also mute a conversation so you don’t get notifications.
For more information about the group message features available when some members of the group don’t have an Apple device or an Apple device with iMessage turned on, see the Apple Support article Send a group text message.