Send and save GIFs on your iPhone or iPad

With Messages, you can find hundreds of trending GIFs in #images to add to your messages.

#images is available in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, India, Singapore, Philippines and Japan.

Add a GIF from #images

Use #images in the Messages app to find and share GIFs with your contacts. Here’s how:

  1. Open Messages, tap the Compose buttoncompose message and enter a contact or tap an existing conversation.

  2. Tap the Plus buttonthe Plus button, then tap the More buttonMore.

  3. Tap the Search button#images icon.

  4. To search for a specific GIF, tap Find images, then enter a keyword, like birthday.

  5. Tap the GIF to add it to your message.

  6. Tap the Send buttonsend icon to send.

GIFs from #images only animate in the Messages app on Apple devices.

Save a GIF

You can save a GIF that you receive in a message to the Photos app on your iOS device. Here’s how:

  1. Open Messages.

  2. Open the message that has the previously sent GIF that you want to save.

  3. Tap and hold the GIF, then tap Save.

Report a concern with an image

If you find an issue or have a concern with content found in #images, you can report it:

  1. Tap the Search button#images and search for the image you want to report.

  2. When you find the image, touch and hold the image to see a larger preview.

  3. Take a screenshot, then tap the thumbnail to open the preview.

  4. Tap the Share buttonCompose message, then tap Mail.

  5. Email the screenshot to with a description of your concern.

If you have a copyright infringement claim or question, please report it here.

If #images is missing

Make sure that your keyboard is set to a supported language and region. Go to Settings > General and tap Language & Region.

The #images app is available in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, India, Singapore, Philippines and Japan.

Learn more

Use iMessage apps to collaborate with others, decorate messages with stickers, share a song and more.

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