If you can't upload to SoundCloud from Logic Pro or GarageBand on your Mac

If your upload has failed, you can export the song as a file and then upload the song on the SoundCloud website or with the SoundCloud app.

Upload your Logic Pro project to SoundCloud

  1. Decide if you want to upload the whole project or a section:

    • To upload the whole project, make sure that the tracks you want to include in the bounce are routed to the main output (Output 1-2) and are not muted in the Logic Pro Tracks area or the Mixer.

    • To upload a section of the project, set the cycle range and turn on Cycle mode. When Cycle mode is turned on, the bounce range will match the locator positions.

  2. In Logic Pro, choose File > Bounce and then choose Project or Section.

  3. Set your bounce options:

    • Tick the PCM box, and make sure that the PCM destination is selected.

    • Choose AIFF or Wave from the File Format pop-up menu.

    • Choose 16-bit from the Resolution pop-up.

    • Choose 48000 from the Sample Rate pop-up.

    • Choose Interleaved from the File Type pop-up.

    • Choose any other options, such as Start and End points and Mode.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Choose a location for the audio file and then click Bounce.

  6. In a browser, sign in to your SoundCloud account, click Upload on the SoundCloud website and then upload your audio file.

Upload your GarageBand song to SoundCloud on a Mac

  1. In GarageBand on your Mac, choose Share > Export Song to Disc.

  2. Set your export options:

    • Choose AIFF or WAVE.

    • Choose Uncompressed 16-bit from the Quality pop-up.

    • To only export the part of the song covered by the cycle region, or only the part of the project defined by selected regions, tick the “Export cycle area, or length of selected regions (if Cycle is turned off)” box.

  3. Choose a location for the audio file and then click Export.

  4. Sign in to your SoundCloud account in a browser, click Upload on the SoundCloud website and then upload your audio file.

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