Draw in a Freeform board on iPhone
In the Freeform app , sketch, draw a diagram, or jot a handwritten note with your finger.

Draw in a board
Create or open a board, tap
, then draw with your finger.
Tap a tool to switch to it, then tap it a second time to see if there are additional options, like stroke size (line thickness) or transparency.
To fill a closed shape with color, use the Fill tool (the paint tube).
See Draw in apps with Markup on iPhone to learn more about other apps with drawing tools.
Select, copy, and delete sections of a drawing
When you finish drawing, your strokes are grouped. If you want to break a drawing apart, you can regroup your strokes, or separate, delete, or resize them.
(between the eraser and color palette) in the drawing tools.
Tap or circle the part of the drawing you want to select, then choose an option.
You can also tap to select a drawing or other item when you’re not using the drawing tools. Tap an item, tap in the pop-up menu, then choose an option.