Change video zoom, quality, and color
Specify DVD Player options for the Viewer window, including zooming into a movie, improving playback quality, and making the image brighter, darker, or richer in color.
Change video zoom
Choose Window > Video Zoom.
In the Video Zoom window, select On.
Choose how to adjust zoom:
Automatically fill the screen with the movie: Click Auto Zoom.
Apply a preset combination: Click the pop-up menu, then choose a preset (such as Wide Display - Fullscreen Movie).
Apply a setting from the previous disc: Click the pop-up menu, then choose Last Disc Setting.
Manually adjust zoom settings: Click the pop-up menu, choose Manual, then use the sliders. To set width and height separately, deselect Lock Aspect Ratio.
Return to the default settings: Click the pop-up menu, then choose Normal.
Create a custom zoom preset
Choose Window > Video Zoom.
In the Video Zoom window, select On.
Click the pop-up menu, choose Manual, then use the sliders in the window to adjust settings.
Click the pop-up menu, choose Save Preset, then give the custom preset a name.
If you want to use the preset with other DVDs, select the “Use for all discs” checkbox.
Improve playback quality
DVD players typically convert interlaced video (like television video, which is a sequence of fields) into non-interlaced video (like film, which is a sequence of frames). This process, called deinterlacing, usually produces better picture quality.
With DVD Player, you can choose to enable or disable deinterlacing, as well as select the viewing quality of the deinterlaced picture.
While the DVD is inserted, choose View > Deinterlace > Enable Deinterlacing.
Choose View > Deinterlace, then choose a picture quality:
Optimal Quality: DVD Player automatically selects the best setting, identified by a diamond symbol next to the setting.
Good Quality: An acceptable quality that does not affect other processes running on your computer.
Better Quality: The highest quality, which can cause other processes on your computer to run more slowly. If your computer doesn’t support this level of quality, the option is dimmed.
Adjust video color
Choose Window > Video Color.
In the Video Color window, select On.
Choose how to adjust color:
Apply a preset combination: Click the pop-up menu, then choose a preset (such as Brighter).
Apply a setting from the previous disc: Click the pop-up menu, then choose Last Disc Setting.
Manually adjust the settings: Click the pop-up menu, choose Manual, then use the sliders to adjust brightness, contrast, color, and tint.
Return to the default settings: Click the pop-up menu, then choose Normal.
Create a custom color preset
Choose Window > Video Color.
In the Video Color window, select On.
Click the pop-up menu, choose Manual, then use the sliders in the window to adjust settings.
Click the pop-up menu, choose Save Preset, then enter a name for the custom preset.
If you want to use the preset with other DVDs, select the “Use for all discs” checkbox.