Set up your Mac to be an AirPlay Receiver
You can turn on AirPlay Receiver to receive video and audio content from any nearby Mac, iPhone, or iPad on the same network.
AirPlay Receiver is available on supported Mac computers with macOS 12 or later. See the Apple Support article System requirements for Continuity on Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.
Note: If your Mac is enrolled in a mobile device management (MDM) system, AirPlay Receiver may be unavailable.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, click Generalin the sidebar, then click AirDrop & Handoff
on the right. (You may need to scroll down.)
Turn on Airplay Receiver.
Click the pop-up menu next to “Allow Airplay for” and choose whose devices can use AirPlay to stream content to this Mac:
Current User: Only devices signed in to your Apple ID can see and use AirPlay to stream content to this Mac.
Anyone on the Same Network: Any nearby Mac, iPhone, or iPad on the same network can see and use AirPlay to stream content to this Mac.
Everyone: Any Mac, iPhone, or iPad can see and use AirPlay to stream content to this Mac.
Turn on Require password, enter the password in the text field, then click OK.